How to recover sleep routine:11 working tips for students

sleep routine

Insomnia has become a modern curse: life is more hectic than ever, and before going to bed we spend hours staring at our smartphones instead of finally falling asleep. To get a good night’s sleep, you need to create the right bedtime ritual. And here are 13 tips to help make that happen.

  1. Make sure your bed is comfortable

Do everything you can to make sure your bed helps you fall asleep properly. Trying to sleep on a mattress that looks more like a wooden board won’t help with insomnia. Invest in your sleeping space to reap the benefits. Here are some ideas:

  • try out a few pillows to find the one that works best for you. sometimes the more pillows the better – it makes your bed look more inviting.
  • try some essential oils, such as lavender, to make your bedroom environment more relaxing. it’s best to use a special diffuser for the essential oil.
  • be sure to make your bed after bedtime – don’t leave it in a mess.
  1. Choose herbal teas

Teas of chamomile, valerian root, and peppermint, or with the addition of ginger and cinnamon can be a great relaxing ritual before bedtime. “Traditionally, chamomile tea and aromatherapy with essential oils have been used to treat insomnia and soothe. Chamomile is considered a mild tranquilizer and sleep inducer. The sedative effects may be explained by a chemical compound called apigenin in chamomile, which binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain,” according to an article published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine titled “Chamomile: An Herbal Medicine of the Past with a Bright Future.”

  1. Turn off your electronic devices

Do smartphones cause insomnia? Well-known American physician Andrew Weil answered this question back in 2015. “One problem is that the blue light emitted by gadgets can inhibit the production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin and cause insomnia. This effect is more pronounced than exposure to light from a TV screen in the bedroom because we keep smartphones and other electronic devices close to our faces, increasing the light exposure.”

  1. Read a book

It’s very tempting to sit in bed and watch YouTube videos until you fall asleep unconscious, but it’s better not to. There’s a great alternative to that – reading. Take a book to bed with you an hour before you plan to go to bed and you’ll do a great job of preparing your brain for falling asleep by calming it down.  In addition, you can take study materials with you to bed to prepare better for the test, so that you do not have to buy rhetorical analysis essay for good grades.

  1. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time

If your sleep routine is chaotic, it’s no surprise that you have trouble falling asleep. Clear orderliness is key when it comes to sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is essential if you dream of getting healthy sleep. It may even be worth giving up the concept of lazy weekends and waking up late. Once you’ve established a routine, you’ll notice that you fall asleep faster, and your cognitive abilities and mood during the day are noticeably higher than before.   

  1. Reduce your alcohol intake

It may seem unfair (especially to those who like to relax after a hard day’s work with a glass of wine), but alcohol disrupts circadian rhythms and disturbs your sleep. Doctors do not call for a radical withdrawal from alcohol, but you need to learn how to manage it to reduce the detrimental effects. The more you drink and the less time you have left before you go to bed, the lower the quality of your sleep will be.  

  1. Control the temperature in your room

If you feel hot and stuffy, or on the contrary, too cold, it will be much harder to fall asleep. The ideal temperature for sleeping is around 20°C, which means you should be a little cooler. In winter, when the heating system is active, air out your bedroom before you go to bed.  

  1. Remember to exercise

The U.S. National Sleep Foundation advocates regular exercise for better sleep. Want to fall asleep faster and wake up feeling rested? Just 10 minutes of aerobic exercises, such as the same walking and biking, can greatly improve your sleep quality, especially if it becomes a habit.

  1. Let the bed be just a bed

Many people turn their beds into a piece of everyday furniture. They lie on it, watch movies, and even eat. But if you turn it into a virtually sacred space, associated only with going to sleep, it’s positive for your sleep cycle and speed of falling asleep.

  1. Meditate

Harvard Medical School pointed out in 2015 that mindfulness meditation helps fight insomnia. “Focusing on your breath draws your attention to the present moment, distracting you from worrying about the past or the future. It helps to interrupt the flow of your daily thoughts, for it is often their wandering that prevents you from falling asleep peacefully at night. You can try meditating right before you go to sleep.  

  1. Light candles

Try spending the hours before going to bed in a room lit by candles rather than electric lights. Natural *light and soft shadows can create the right relaxing atmosphere in your room for falling asleep. Try scented candles with lavender or vanilla.  



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