The Guide to Updating Your Router’s Firmware


Most of us are aware of how vital it is to always have the most recent operating system, also referred to as “the OS,” installed on our smartphones, computers, and other connected devices. 

Updates are made with every new OS release, whether it’s Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, or something else, to address problems, add new functionality, boost performance, or strengthen the key security features that safeguard our private information.

Thankfully, the majority of gadget makers make the updating procedure straightforward. When a new OS version is available, they notify us by sending an email, and all we have to do is affirm that we want to install it. Our device is upgraded and functional again after a short while.

If you feel your internet connection is slowing down because of your router, perhaps you should consider taking a look at your router’s firmware before you search for the best wifi router for a two story home.

But what about the Wi-Fi router that’s been gathering dust on the shelf for the past few years? Does it also require an update?

Naturally, the answer is yes! The “firmware” on your Wi-Fi router is the program that controls it, and even though your home Wi-Fi appears to be operating properly, you must update the firmware on your router regularly.

Here is a simple general guide that will show you how to upgrade and check the firmware on your router.

What is Firmware?

The software that comes pre-installed on the router is called firmware. Each manufacturer of routers has a unique version of this software. It also manages all of the device’s internal operations, just like the operating systems that power your smartphone or personal computer. 

The firmware, for instance, enables your router to communicate wirelessly with your devices, helps safeguard your network from dangers like malware and viruses, and offers the administrative tools you need to control your router’s settings.

What is the Purpose of Updating Your Firmware?

You may be wondering why you need to update the firmware on your router if everything appears to be alright. Performance is a clear cause. Everyone wants their home Wi-Fi to be quick and usable in all of the house’s rooms. Firmware upgrades include bug fixes and technological advancements that improve your family’s overall Wi-Fi experience.

Another important benefit of keeping your router firmware up to date is the security it gives. Almost every week, we learn of new dangers to our internet security. These dangers increasingly target household Wi-Fi networks directly.

For instance, did you know that a hacker might remotely take control of your router if it is not properly secured? And to make matters worse, hackers may use it to execute malicious cyberattacks against businesses, their websites, and their networks, joining thousands of other hijacked routers in doing so.

Your router may be taken over in this way if your firmware is outdated, and there’s a strong chance you would not even be aware of it. While there are many different facets of home network security (such as frequently updating your passwords), the first step in avoiding significant issues is to make sure your router is always running the most recent firmware version.

How Can You Update the Firmware On Your Router?

It is obviously important to keep your firmware up to date, but how can you accomplish that? The solution is straightforward if you bought a “Managed Wi-Fi” service from your Internet Service Provider.

To check if your router has the most recent firmware version, you can simply call your ISP. Your ISP should make sure that your router is always running the most recent version as part of the Managed Wi-Fi service that you have purchased.

They can complete everything remotely; they don’t even need to visit your home. On the other hand, there are various procedures involved in updating your firmware if you bought your own router. You must first read the router’s user manual to learn how to connect from a computer to the router’s administration panel.

There may be a choice to download and update the most recent firmware after logging in. If your router doesn’t offer this feature, you must first determine the firmware version you presently use before searching the Internet for a location to download the most recent version.

Following its download, you must carefully follow the instructions that describe how to transfer the updated firmware from your computer to your router. If you’re not extremely technical, this process can be difficult and time-consuming.

Should I Think About Purchasing Managed Wi-Fi?

One of the numerous advantages of a managed Wi-Fi service is that you never have to worry about updating your firmware. Utilize the newest features with the knowledge that recognized security issues are being avoided.

How to Verify the Firmware Version of Your Router

That said, you can always verify your router’s firmware on your own as long as you have its IP address. Once you have your router’s IP address, you can access it by entering it in any browser. Usually, a login screen protecting the settings of your router will greet you. The default username and password for your router can be found in the user handbook unless you have already modified it.

To identify the firmware version of your router, you’ll need to look through the administrative tools on your router because different router brands and models have different perspectives. This can typically be found under the Advanced, Maintenance, Management, System Tools, or Utility menu.

Note the current firmware for your router once you’ve located the Firmware window. Additionally, some routers have an auto-update feature. If your router is equipped with this capability, all you have to do is click the Check or Update button, and the router will get in touch with the maker and request an update.

All in All

Even though updating your router and other networking hardware might seem like a hassle, you should do it occasionally. By updating the firmware, you can make sure that any security flaws that may have emerged after you purchased it, have been fixed. More efficient firmware also enables quicker internet speeds and higher connection quality. The newer firmware is also generally more effective.

All of your hardware needs to be updated, especially since our homes are gradually being overtaken by the Internet of Things. Updates apply to all smart devices, including security cameras, TVs, refrigerators, and microwaves, in addition to smartphones, PCs, and routers.


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