5 Energy-Saving Tips for Fall and Winter

5 Energy-Saving Tips for Fall and Winter

The average household spends $1,411 per year on heating and cooling. If that seems like a lot…well, that’s because it is.

And to make matters worse, costs don’t have to be that high, even during high-usage months during fall and winter. In fact, every second you spent reading the above sentence costs you and your family money.

But with a few adjustments and an energy-saving approach, you can start to save while staying comfortable. ScamReviewScan.com has reviewed easy power plan to see if it can really help you in saving on energy bills.

Keep reading to find five ways that you can save energy this fall and winter!

1. Start with Your Attic

Your attic is one of the greatest sources of heat loss. Estimates show that as much as 25% of your home’s heat escapes through your attic.

One of the best ways to keep your home comfy (and your wallet full) is to reinsulate your attic.

It’s an easy enough process that you can knock it out in a weekend, and the cost of insulation is nothing compared to the savings you’ll experience.

2. Reseal Windows and Doors

Have you ever noticed how certain parts of your home seem colder than others, even if you have your heat on full-blast? Odds are, your culprit is a poorly sealed window or door.

Sealant can loosen for plenty of reasons, including excessive moisture and age.

In most cases, you can check airflow by placing your hand in front of a window’s sill for a few seconds.

Likewise, you can take a small candle to each window. Hold it as still as possible. If you notice movement in the flame, it’s time to make a trip to the hardware store.

3. Maintain Your Heating System

When was the last time someone checked on your HVAC system? If you can’t remember, it’s time to call your local heating company, who can check for any mechanical weaknesses in your system.

In the meantime, you can do your part to keep your system up and running by performing a few simple tasks. Check for cracks in pipes, dust heating vents, and switch out your filter twice per year.

4. Switch Energy Providers

You could be paying too much each month for no reason other than you chose the wrong provider.

It never hurts to shop around and see if you’re getting the best deal. Electricity Scout is a great resource for comparing providers’ offerings and rates.

5. Heat Your Home Using Sunlight

Open up those blinds and let the line shine in!

Not only will your home look brighter and cheerier, but you’ll raise your home’s temperature by a few degrees, too. While this won’t replace your heating system, relying on sunlight as much as possible can help you save a few bucks.

Energy-Saving Tips for Fall and Winter

Saving money doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. With fall and winter around the corner, make sure you utilize each of these five tips.

And if you’re interested in reading more money-saving and eco-friendly tips, be sure to check back with our blog for other helpful content like this.


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