How to Clean Granite and Marble Countertops Like a Pro


If you want high-end kitchen countertops, granite and marble are fantastic choices. They’re classy, timeless materials that add elegance to your cooking area. However, these stunning stones need special care when it comes to cleaning.

Professional granite cleaning in Chicago isn’t just essential maintenance but a way of life. In the Windy City, keeping those precious countertops free of dirt is a constant battle. Here are some tips for keeping your granite and marble counters sparkling clean with minimum effort.

The Basics of Cleaning Granite 

For starters, you’ll want to avoid using harsh chemicals or acidic solutions like vinegar or lemon juice, as they can etch the stone surface permanently over time. Instead, use warm water, mild dish soap, or a pH-neutral cleaner specifically made for natural stones, such as Stonetech KlenzAll Cleaner suitable for deep-cleaning granite kitchen countertops without harming their polished finish.

How to Do Daily Maintenance 

Daily upkeep is essential after every meal prep session as food spills dry up and create stains that become difficult to remove over time.

The best approach: Wipe down the surface often with a microfiber cloth or a soft towel dampened in warm water; this simple act of regular wiping keeps your counter looking fabulous all the time while helping prevent germ buildup around food preparation areas where bacterial growth can thrive more readily if not sanitized frequently enough.

Dealing with Tough Stains on Granite 

Despite our best efforts at daily cleaning routines, dirty spots happen! But don’t panic! There’s hope yet- tackling tough stains doesn’t require particular expertise but only needs common sense techniques!

Mix three baking sodas into one part hydrogen peroxide, creating a paste, before applying it to the discolored stain. After 15 minutes, rinse any remaining residue with warm water. For persistent stains like tomato sauce or red wine, use acetone or ten-percent bleach solution on the spot on top of some paper towels that have been folded into cubes.

Cover each turn of a washcloth until its tail unfolds and can be placed directly over the stained area where it should be left for an hour or overnight if necessary- allowing enough time for the chemical agents to break down organic matter. Once you’re sure any remaining acidity is neutralized from this treatment, make a paste like mentioned earlier; this time, that requires more gentle treatment as rubbing hard isn’t suggested due to potential damage in scratching surfaces unnecessarily!

Helpful Tips for Cleaning Marble

Marble is another stone countertop worth caring for since it gives a luxurious touch to our homes but is still prone to get stained easily. Marble material absorbs liquids much faster than granite, making spills more challenging to erase. Here’s how:

Start by cleaning spills immediately, moments after they happen with damp cloths, and dry immediately afterward, wiping continuously until all traces disappear entirely, even if it takes about five attempts- now that’s what we call effort!

Most messes would entail using alkaline-based cleaners found at most supermarkets. Remember not to leave them there longer since acid-based products may cause unwanted marks and scratches, leaving behind dull-looking surfaces likely undermine long-term appearances.


In conclusion, taking care of your natural stone countertops means adopting safe cleaning techniques, such as implementing daily care routines and limiting harsh chemicals while using proper cleansers suitable for stones of calcium carbonate (marble) or silicate minerals (granite).

Consistently keeping these surfaces free from dirt without using abrasive tools ensures attractive finishes last a lifetime! If you reside in Chicago, check out professional granite cleaning in Chicago for their experience in the right equipment to keep your precious investment gleaming as new!


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