Micro Clover Lawn Pros and Cons – Is It Your Dream Yard?


Micro clover has become increasingly popular due to its drought tolerance and uniform appearance. However, you should also pay attention to its drawbacks when considering this option for your yard. 

This article will help you understand the complete picture before taking the leap. Let’s scroll to check micro clover lawn pros and cons!

What Is A Micro Clover?

Micro clover is a smaller type of white clover. It has fewer flowers, smaller leaves, and a slower growth rate than Dutch white clover. 

Micro clover typically stays short, only reaching a height of four to six inches. Its leaves are smaller than those of regular clover, just one-third the size. 

Besides, unlike other clover varieties, micro clovers don’t clump together. Hence, when grown on your lawn, it will create a uniform and neat appearance.

Pros And Cons Of Micro Clover Lawn

A micro clover lawn brings you both benefits and drawbacks. So we will discuss each aspect in detail to help you make an informed decision. 


Micro clover offers several benefits, making it an attractive choice for lawns and gardens. 

  • Drought tolerance

Micro clover is highly resistant to drought. In fact, it just requires 25% less watering than other types of lawns, allowing it to stay green even during hot conditions. 

  • Less mowing

Since micro clover stays short, there is less need for frequent mowing. Normal growth only needs mowing once a month. 

However, if you prefer a compact lawn, consider mowing it more regularly, similar to traditional turf. Remember to choose the right grit for sharpening your lawn mower blade to achieve a clean cut. 

  • Low maintenance

The combined advantages of micro clover lead to overall low maintenance. With less time spent on lawn-care tasks, you will have more fun activities with your family and for work. 

  • Fertilizer source

Clovers are natural sources of fertilizer that can act as nitrogen fixers. As a result, micro clover can thrive in poor soil without additional fertilizers. You can even use this grass to feed the plants close to it. 

  • Attracting bees

Micro clover only has a few flowers, but they can attract bees for pollination. Hence, growing it on your lawn will support bee populations and contribute to a healthier ecosystem. 

  • Low cost

First, micro clover is cheaper than many other turfgrass seeds. And second, since you don’t need to give fertilizers and water often, you can reduce the cost of maintaining your lawn. 

  • Runoff reduction

Nitrogen runoff occurs when fertilizers flow into nearby waterways through rain, overcasting, or over spraying. This issue will result in algae accumulation in saltwater and freshwater. Finally, issues like red tide will harm aquatic life. 

Yet, if you grow micro clover, you can reduce the use of artificial fertilizers. Hence, the risk of nitrogen runoff will decrease. 

  • Even growth

Since micro clover doesn’t grow in clumps, your lawn will achieve a natural and uniform look when grown correctly. 

  • Pest deterrence

Clover-filled lawns are a deterrent to some lawn pests, like white grubs. Those damaging insects often lay eggs in the grass rather than clovers. As a result, if you struggle with grub issues, choose micro clover for your lawn. 

  1. Micro clover offers many benefits for your lawn


Micro clover seems to be a perfect choice, but do not get excited soon. You need to check its drawbacks, too. 

  • Winter dormancy

When winter comes, micro clover becomes less visually attractive. It stops growing, and the leaf tips turn brown during this time. However, if you live in regions with warmer climates, it’s not your problem. 

  • Extreme temperatures

Micro clover grows best within a specific temperature range. Your micro clover lawn may struggle or even die if exposed to very hot or cold conditions. 

  • Sun requirements

Micro-clover is a sun-loving plant that grows well with four to six hours of direct sunlight a day. So you can’t achieve the charming green effect if there is insufficient sunlight. 

  • Sensitivity to broadleaf herbicides

Micro clover itself is a broadleaf weed. As a result, any herbicides and weed killers you apply to your lawn will affect and kill the plant. 

  • Susceptibility to blight

Micro clover is susceptible to blight, especially in humid climates. Symptoms of the blight in your lawn include patch appearance and browning leaves. 

  • Reseeding required

You need to reseed your micro clover every two to three years to maintain its appearance and development. This task adds up to the maintenance cost. 

  • Clover spreading

The spreading nature of micro clover will help achieve a beautiful effect on the lawn. However, sometimes, it may expand beyond the desired boundary. Your flower beds and other areas in the garden may become its victim. 

  • Bee allergies

Bees can help with pollination. Unfortunately, if you are allergic to these insects, avoid clover varieties in your garden. 

  1. Consider the drawbacks

What Is The Best Grass To Mix With Micro Clover? 

Mixing micro clover with other grass varieties is an excellent way to enhance your lawn’s aesthetic appeal. The best partners for this plant are:

  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Tall fescue
  • Fine fescue
  • Dwarf perennial ryegrass

If you don’t know which to choose, ask an extension office for help. They can suggest the best blend of grass for your garden. 

After choosing the best plants for your lawn, learn how to grow them properly. We have shared some pro tips when discussing the pros and cons of micro clover, so keep them in mind. 

Besides, maintaining is an integral part of your gardening job. Consider which to use between a lawn mower and weed wacker to bring out a nice appearance in your lawn.  

  1. Choose the best grass to pair with your micro clover


While micro clover offers benefits, such as drought tolerance, reduced mowing, and low maintenance, you need to consider other factors, like winter dormancy and susceptibility to blight. 

Exploring the pros and cons of a micro clover lawn is crucial before deciding on your green space. Once you decide to grow it, follow our tips to help it thrive.

Thank you for reading!


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