How Do You Say Beautiful in French and Italian

How Do You Say Beautiful in French and Italian

Last Updated on April 26, 2023

French is a language often associated with romance, and its sounds and accents are known to create a feeling of love. To someone who doesn’t speak French, even sad tunes can sound like love songs.

Learning to say something as beautiful as the language itself can be a great way to begin your French language journey. Moreover, as French culture is renowned for its beautiful language, cuisine, and people, knowing how to say “beautiful” in French can make you look courteous.

Fortunately, “beautiful” is one of the first words you’ll learn in a French class and one of the most common words in the language. However, it’s important to remember that, like many French adjectives, its form changes depending on whether it’s masculine/feminine or singular/plural.

Whether you want to captivate your crush or ace your French exam, this article will help you master saying beautiful in French.

After reading, you can figure out how to choose the correct expressions to sound like a native French speaker.

Saying Beautiful in French

There can be two scenarios – you can say beautiful to a man or a woman. In both cases, the words and their pronunciation will be different. Here is the exact process of speaking it correctly.

To women

If you want to express your admiration for a woman in French, you can use the phrase “Tu es belle, ” meaning “You are beautiful.” The first part of the phrase, “Tu es,” means “You are,” while “belle” translates as “beautiful.” The correct pronunciation is “Two eh bell.”

For formal situations, such as talking to superiors, elderly people, or distinguished individuals, you can use “Vous êtes belle,” the standard version of “Tu es belle.” The word “vous” is the formal version of “tu” used in proper conversations. The pronunciation for this phrase is “vooz eht bell.”

When speaking to multiple women, you can use the plural form “Vous êtes belles.” Note that you cannot simply add an “s” to “belle” but need to use the plural form of “you are” as well, which is “Vous êtes.” The pronunciation remains the same as “Vous êtes belle.”

French woman in a coffee shop

To men

To compliment a man’s appearance, use the phrase “Tu es beau,” which means “You are handsome.” The word “beau” is the male version of “belle” and is pronounced as “two eh boh.” It is commonly used to describe a man’s good looks.

When addressing someone superior, elder, or distinguished, use the formal “vous êtes beau.” “Vous” is the formal version of “tu” used in proper conversation. A good rule of thumb is to use it for anyone you would address as “Mr.” in English. Pronounce it as “vooz eht boh.”

To complement multiple men on their looks, say “Vous êtes beaux.” This is the plural form of the equation, but the translation is the same. To make the word “beau” plural, add an “x” to make “beaux.” Also, use the plural form of “you are” — “Vous êtes _____” Pronounce it as “vooz eht boh.” Note that the “x” is silent

Ways to describe beautiful in French

Most of the time, you struggle to describe beauty in one word. It would be great if you could go for a sentence. It sounds good and lets others admire your understanding of French.

1. You are Beautiful in French

To say you are beautiful in French, you can use the phrase “tu es beau” if you are addressing a man or “tu es belle” if you are addressing a woman.

Pronounce the phrase as “two eh boh” for a man and “two eh bell” for a woman. This is a straightforward way to compliment someone’s appearance in French.

2. Beautiful Woman in French

To describe a beautiful woman in French, you can use the phrase “une belle femme,” which means “a beautiful woman.” Pronounce this as “oon bell fem.”

This is a common phrase that can be used to compliment someone’s beauty and can also be used to describe someone in a more general sense.

3. Gorgeous in French

If you want to say gorgeous in French, you can use the words “superbe” or “splendide.” Pronounce “superbe” as “soo-peerb” and “splendide” as “splehn-deed.”

These words are stronger than “belle” and convey higher admiration and beauty. You can use them to describe a person, object, or view.

Friends hanging out in front of the Eiffel Tower

4. Very Beautiful in French

To say very beautiful in French, you can use the phrase “très belle” for a woman or “très beau” for a man. Pronounce “très” as “treh” and “belle” or “beau” as “bell” or “boh,” respectively.

This phrase is useful when you want to emphasize someone’s beauty or express higher admiration

5. So Beautiful in French

If you want to say “so beautiful” in French, you can use the phrase “tellement belle” or “tellement beau,” depending on the gender of the person. Pronounce “tellement” as “tehl-mahn” and “belle” or “beau” as “bell” or “boh,” respectively.

This phrase is even stronger than “très belle” or “très beau” and expresses great admiration for someone’s beauty. For example, you might say “Tu es tellement belle ce soir” to compliment someone on their appearance.

Saying Beautiful in Italian

In Italian, it’s always important to pay attention to the gender of the person you’re speaking to, as this affects the choice of words and their endings.

The word for “beautiful” is “bello” for men and “bella” for women. Here’s how to say “beautiful” to men and women in Italian.

To Men

The phrase “you are beautiful” in Italian for men is “tu sei bello.” The word “tu” means “you,” and “sei” means “are.”

As mentioned earlier, “bello” is the word for “beautiful” when speaking to a man. So when you put it all together, you get “tu sei bello.”

To Women

The phrase “you are beautiful” in Italian for women is “tu sei bella.” Again, “tu” means “you,” and “sei” means “are.”

This time, the word “bella” is used for “beautiful” since it is the feminine form. So, the complete phrase is “tu sei bella.”

The Italian language uses gendered nouns and adjectives, so use the correct form of the adjective based on the gender of the person you are addressing.

For example, if you wanted to say “he is beautiful” in Italian, you would say “lui è bello,” using the masculine form of the adjective. Similarly, if you wanted to say “she is beautiful” in Italian, you would say “lei è bella,” using the feminine form.

How Do You Say Beautiful in French and Italian

Synonyms for beautiful and their pronunciation in French and Italian

Here are 10 synonyms for beautiful in French and Italian, along with their pronunciation:


EnglishFrenchFrench Pronunciation
AttractiveAttirant(e)H-tee-rahn (for masculine) / ah-tee-rahnt (for feminine)


EnglishItalianItalian Pronunciation

Tips to easily pronounce French

Here are some of the tips you must follow to pronounce French easily:

  • Pay attention to nasal vowels (represented by “an,” “am,” “en,” “em,” “in,” “I’m,” “on,” and “om”)
  • Master French “r” sound, pronounced at the back of the throat
  • Practice the liaison, linking words together with a consonant sound
  • Learn the French accent marks (acute, grave, circumflex, and diaeresis)
  • Listen to native speakers to improve rhythm and intonation
  • Practice specific sounds with pronunciation drills
  • Use a French pronunciation app (e.g., Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone)
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; mastering pronunciation takes time and practice

Tips to easily pronounce Italian

Here are some of the tips you must follow to pronounce Italian easily:

  • Consonants at the end of words are usually not pronounced, except for words with CaReFuL at the end
  • Link the letter ‘s’ at the end of a word to the vowel sound in the following word
  • Strings of vowels can be pronounced as the ‘o’ sound
  • Italian has a distinct nasal sound for words with ‘on’
  • The Italian ‘r’ sound is pronounced at the back of the throat
  • Pronounce ‘an’ in the first syllable of words like français like ‘ong’
  • The letter ‘t’ is sometimes pronounced when linking a word that ends with a consonant to a word that starts with a vowel
  • The Italian ‘u’ sound is pronounced like ‘ee’ in English

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the French word for beautiful?

The French word for beautiful is “beau” for masculine nouns and “belle” for feminine nouns.

2. How do you pronounce “belle” in French?

“Belle” is pronounced as “bell” in English, but with a slight emphasis on the “e” sound.

3. Can “beau” also describe something other than a person?

Yes, “beau” can also be used to describe something other than a person, such as a place or an object, if the noun being described is masculine.

4. Is there a difference in pronunciation between “beau” and “beaux”?

Yes, “beau” is pronounced as “bo,” and “beaux” is pronounced as “boh,” with a slight emphasis on the “o” sound.

5. Are there any other French words for beautiful besides “beau” and “belle”?

Yes, there are other French words for beautiful, such as “joli” and “ravissant,” which can also be used to describe something other than a person.

6. Can “belle” be used to describe a man?

No, “belle” is a feminine adjective used to describe feminine nouns. To describe a man as beautiful, you would use “beau.”

7. How do you say “beautiful girl” in French?

“Beautiful girl” in French is “belle fille,” with “belle” being the feminine adjective for beautiful and “fille” meaning girl.

Final Thoughts

The French word for beautiful is “beau/belle,” and the Italian word for beautiful is “bello/bella.”

By following the pronunciation tips for French, such as the silent letters, liaison ‘z,’ ‘o’ sound, nasal ‘on’ sound, ‘r’ sound, ‘an’ sound, liaison ‘t,’ and ‘u’ sound, you can easily pronounce the word “beau/belle” in French.

Similarly, by following basic Italian pronunciation rules, such as pronouncing all the letters and emphasizing vowels, you can easily pronounce “bello/bella” in Italian.

It may sound a little tricky to beginners, but with practice, you can master perfection. Please leave your questions and doubts in the comments, and we will surely try to help you.