What are the Website development interview questions for freshers?


For freshers looking to start a career in website development, it is important to prepare for the interview process by familiarizing themselves with common website development interview questions. Today, aspiring web developers can attend a website creation course free online and learn the necessary skills to crack developer job interviews. But it is always advisable to have a corpus of interview questions and answers ready while you prepare for an interview. These questions can cover various topics, from technical skills to problem-solving and communication skills. 


In this article, we cover the top website development interview questions for freshers to help them prepare for their next interview. We have divided the website development interview questions into three categories:


  • Basic questions
  • Practical based questions
  • Coding-based questions


Read till the end to learn all the commonly asked questions in web development job interviews and their answers.

Basic questions asked in a web developer interview to freshers

Here are some basic definitions and terminology commonly asked in web developer interviews.

  1. What is the difference between HTML and XHTML?

Answer: XHTML is a stricter version of HTML that adheres to XML syntax rules.


  1. What is the box model in CSS?

Answer: The box model is a concept in CSS that defines how elements are laid out on a web page.


  1. What is the difference between margin and padding in CSS?

Answer: Margin is the space outside an element, while the padding is the space inside an element.


  1. What is a responsive website?

Answer: A responsive website is a website that can adapt to different screen sizes, such as those on mobile devices.


  1. What is a CSS framework?

Answer: A CSS framework is a pre-built set of CSS rules and styles that can be used to create a consistent look and feel across a website.


  1. What is version control?

Answer: Version control is a system used to track file changes over time, typically used in software development.


  1. What is a client-server architecture?

Answer: Client-server architecture is a computing model in which client devices send requests to servers that respond with data or services.


  1. What is a REST API?

Answer: REST stands for Representational State Transfer. A REST API is a web API that uses HTTP requests to retrieve and manipulate data.


  1. What is HTTP?

Answer: HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol used for transmitting data over the internet.


  1. What is cross-site scripting (XSS)?

Answer: Cross-site scripting is a security vulnerability where an attacker injects malicious code into a web page viewed by other users.

Practical questions asked in web development job interview

Here are some questions asked in web developer interviews based on practical skills and knowledge.

  1. How do you create a responsive navigation menu?

Answer: You can create a responsive navigation menu using HTML and CSS. Use media queries to adjust the menu layout and styling based on the screen size.


  1. How do you optimize website speed?

Answer: To optimize website speed, you can use techniques such as caching, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, optimizing images, and reducing server response time.


  1. How do you implement a search function on a website?

Answer: You can implement a search function on a website using server-side scripting languages like PHP or Python and a database to store and retrieve search results.


  1. How do you create a contact form on a website?

Answer: You can create a contact form using HTML and a server-side scripting language like PHP. Use a form element to gather user input, and use PHP to send the form data to an email address.


  1. How do you integrate social media buttons on a website?

Answer: You can integrate social media buttons on a website using HTML and CSS. Use the respective social media platform’s API to add share or follow buttons.


  1. How do you create a responsive image gallery?

Answer: You can create a responsive image gallery using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Use a grid layout to arrange the images and JavaScript to add interactivity, such as image previews or slideshows.


  1. How do you create a login system for a website?

Answer:  You can create a login system for a website using server-side scripting languages like PHP, a database to store user login credentials, and session management to keep users logged in.


  1. How do you implement a payment gateway on a website?

Answer: You can implement a payment gateway on a website using a third-party service like PayPal or Stripe. Use their API to integrate the payment gateway on the website and handle payment transactions.


  1. How do you create a responsive table on a website?

Answer:  You can create a responsive table using HTML and CSS. Use CSS media queries to adjust the table layout and styling based on the screen size.


  1. How do you implement a CAPTCHA on a website?

Answer: You can implement a CAPTCHA on a website using third-party services like reCAPTCHA. Use their API to add the CAPTCHA to the website and verify user input to prevent spam and automated bots.

Coding questions asked in a web development job interview

Generally, in web development interviews, candidates are asked to write short code snippets to showcase their practical abilities. Here are a few examples of such coding questions asked in interviews and sample solutions.

  1. Write a function to reverse a string.


function reverseString(str) {

  return str.split(“”).reverse().join(“”);



  1. Write a function to find the factorial of a number.


function factorial(num) {

  if (num < 0) {

    return -1;


  else if (num == 0) {

    return 1;


  else {

    return (num * factorial(num – 1));




  1. Write a function to find the sum of an array of numbers.


function sumArray(arr) {

  var sum = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

    sum += arr[i];


  return sum;



  1. Write a function to check if a string is a palindrome.


function isPalindrome(str) {

  var reversed = str.split(“”).reverse().join(“”);

  return str === reversed;



  1. Write a function to remove duplicates from an array.


function removeDuplicates(arr) {

  var unique = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

    if (unique.indexOf(arr[i]) === -1) {




  return unique;



  1. Write a function to implement bubble sort on an array of numbers.


function bubbleSort(arr) {

  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

    for (var j = 0; j < arr.length – 1 – i; j++) {

      if (arr[j] > arr[j+1]) {

        var temp = arr[j];

        arr[j] = arr[j+1];

        arr[j+1] = temp;




  return arr;



  1. Write a function to implement binary search on an array of numbers.


function binarySearch(arr, target) {

  var low = 0;

  var high = arr.length – 1;

  while (low <= high) {

    var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);

    if (arr[mid] === target) {

      return mid;


    else if (arr[mid] < target) {

      low = mid + 1;


    else {

      high = mid – 1;



  return -1;



Hope these questions and responses help you clear your web-development interview with ease! To know more about web development and web development interviews for free, click on the link given in the first paragraph. We wish you all the best in your coding journey.


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