A Look At Some Of The Best Wellness Trends In 2023


A new year means new trends, and there are plenty that you might see becoming more popular in 2023. Following some of the best wellness trends can benefit both our minds and bodies, to make changes for the better. Whether that’s by taking up the most current exercise regime or trying out new supplements that are hitting the shelves. We’ll take a look at some of the best trends you should expect to see this year.

Safe sex and wellness 

As changes are happening to woman’s rights in the US, it’s said that a few of the most notable wellness trends that we should expect to see in 2023 will centre around healthy, safe sex and contraception. Many women will be striving to take their sexual health into their own hands, leading to increased awareness around subjects like safe sex, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. This wellness trend will have an impact on many people’s health for the better as we’re set to see more of us taking care of our sexual wellness. Sex toys are also becoming more popular, with modern designs allowing the user to purchase a product from an online sex shop discreetly and easily, so they can reap the benefits of various toys, resulting in reduced feelings of stress, better sleep, and allowing them to tune in with their own bodies. 

Mushroom supplements

Over the last few years, we’ve seen the impact that CBD has had on the wellness community – but there’s a new product that is set to make its way onto the shelves of health stores this year. Mushroom supplements are another natural product that can be used to enhance your general well-being. And don’t worry, you’re not going to feel any psychoactive effects with these, they’re safe to use. There is a range of different mushrooms used in these supplements, like Reishi, which all come with various health benefits from anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as boosting energy and strengthening the immune system. These products can be taken in the form of capsules – like your everyday vitamins, but they’re also becoming popular to take in the form of drinks. Whichever way you’d prefer to take them, expect big things from them in the wellness world this year. 

Mental health-focused workouts 

After the pandemic, many of us dedicated our time to improving our mental health and doing things that made us feel good. Working out featured heavily in many people’s days – whether it was a quick walk to get out of the house, or streaming workout videos to get you off your seat – and even though lockdowns have lifted, the movement that many of us implemented into our day is here to stay. Of course, working out in whichever way you choose is great for the body, but it’s also a way to calm the mind, boost immunity, and improve overall wellness. Instead of lifting weights or running to see the change in the body, there’s expected to be a shift to focus on how movement makes us feel. 

Reduced screen time 

We’re all guilty of it – becoming distracted by the many apps that are pinging, refreshing, and dying for you to interact with them. But this year, with the average screen time in the UK sitting at around 11 hours a day, a move away from our phones and social media could be on the cards. Stepping away from the screen can have many different health benefits – it can help to reduce the stress that comes with feeling like you’re constantly reachable and can decrease the risk of eye problems.


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