Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP)


Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) uses a wire loop heated by an electric current to remove tissue and cells from a woman’s lower vaginal tract. LEEP Atlanta is employed to diagnose and treat harmful or malignant diseases.

With LEEP, a small layer of aberrant tissue is removed by cutting through the fine wire loop with an electric current. The lab will conduct tests on this tissue. LEEP can also be used to get rid of abnormal cells, which can cause cancer.

Why may I require a LEEP?

LEEP may be performed when abnormal cells are discovered during a Pap test or when cervical or vaginal issues are discovered during a pelvic examination. LEEP is also used to look for vaginal or cervical cancer.

The following conditions may also benefit from LEEP’s use in the diagnosis or treatment:

  • Polyps (benign growths) (benign growths)
  • Warts on the genitalia may signify human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and a risk factor for cervical cancer.
  • Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in women whose mothers used DES while pregnant, since exposure to DES raises the risk of cancer in the reproductive system.

How to prepare for LEEP

Your doctor will check to see if you have any medical issues that would prohibit you from having the surgery. For instance, if you have acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or cervix inflammation, you shouldn’t undergo a LEEP (cervicitis). A pregnancy test could be required before a LEEP. If you are pregnant, your doctor can help you decide when it is appropriate to have a LEEP.

If there are no concerns, your doctor will plan the procedure for when you are not menstruating, ideally one week after your period finishes.

Follow the preparation guidelines provided by your supplier. Your doctor could suggest that you:

  • Refrain from applying vaginal creams or douches or engaging in sexual activity 24 hours before the treatment
  • Bring a pad you can use to contain any vaginal discharge following the surgery.
  • Stop using aspirin and other anticoagulants, which impact how your blood clots.
  • Take an analgesic such as ibuprofen (Motrin®) or acetaminophen (Tylenol®)30 minutes before the operation.
  • On the day of your procedure, put on comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that you can quickly take off and change with a hospital gown.

What occurs throughout LEEP?

You will be given a comfortable gown to wear and a blanket to cover your lap when you enter the Gynecology office. Your doctor will then bring you to a treatment area.

You next take a reclining position on the treatment table, much as you would for a pelvic examination and Pap smear. During the quick process, your healthcare professional inserts a speculum to keep your vagina open.

Your healthcare professional places a grounding pad on your leg and administers a local anesthetic to your cervix. They remove a circumferential portion of your cervix with the LEEP device once you are entirely unconscious. To halt any bleeding, they use heat and an iron solution.

LEEP is a safe and effective procedure used in the prevention of cervical cancer. A LEEP’s success depends on several factors, including the degree of cervical dysplasia you have and the amount of tissue that must be removed. Your doctor can suggest an additional LEEP or other therapies if abnormal cells start to grow again in some instances.

Call Ideal Gynecology, LLC to book your appointment for a LEEP procedure.


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