Cannabis and Sleep: How Cannabis Can Improve Your Sleep


We live in an always-on world. Even when we try to go to sleep, our work follows us in our minds and on our phones. If you’ve seen delta-8 THC near you, you may wonder if it can improve your sleep. The answer is a little more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no,” so let’s look at cannabis sleep aids in more detail. 

The Chemicals of Cannabis 

Cannabis sativa contains two major compounds that affect the brain: cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These two do different things: CBD reduces anxiety and promotes general wellness, and THC creates the high that people associate with marijuana. 

Let’s break these effects down into bullet points for your convenience: 


  • Reduces anxiety 
  • Reduces chronic pain 
  • May be an antidepressant 
  • Reduces addictive cravings 
  • Can help heal trauma 
  • Is confirmed as a seizure medication 
  • May help with glaucoma
  • May ease the symptoms of HIV/AIDS 
  • Is frequently used to ease the side effects of cancer treatments 
  • And more! The list of what CBD might be good for will probably grow in the future. 

However, note the potential overlap. Someone using CBD for chronic pain may sleep better because their pain is being mollified. More research needs to be done to determine how many of CBD’s sleep-saving properties are unique and how much is due to it treating another condition.

In contrast…


  • Produces a “high” 
  • May be used for pain relief
  • Can treat nausea and vomiting 
  • Can treat weight loss and appetite problems 
  • Can create “couch lock”—a state that makes users not want to get out of bed and start working.

THC has more negative side effects, including memory loss, impaired coordination, hallucinations, and an altered sense of time. Many of these effects are considered undesirable. Between that and being illegal in many places, it is safe to say that THC is worse at being a sleep aid than CBD! 

Both of these compounds react with the cannabinoid receptors in our bodies. These receptors are common in many mammals, including the skin, muscles, brain, and digestive tract. This system exists as a natural regulator; for example, it gives us the energy to do things in the morning. In theory, taking cannabinoids can readjust the body for better sleep. 

Does It Work? 

But here’s the biggest question of all: do cannabis-based sleep medications work? Sort of. The research is still in flux. CBD has a very relaxing effect on the nervous system. While it works in theory, it’s not as consistent in practice. 

As we pointed out earlier, it’s a little hard to tell if people with chronic pain or glaucoma benefit from CBD as a sleep aid independently of their other conditions. It makes sense that it would help; if CBD is relaxing people already, why wouldn’t it help them sleep? 

The research that says CBD helps you sleep is growing. Some places tout it as a replacement for prescription sleep medication. If you want to use CBD to improve your sleep, do so carefully and with the help of a medical professional. The dosage makes all the difference—especially if you’re on medication already! 

If I Buy THC, Will It Help Me Sleep? 

You may be wondering if buying THC (the psychoactive compound) will help you sleep. CBD will almost certainly help you relax. And while THC may help ease chronic pain, it also has some unpleasant side effects that do not help one rest. It may also make one so relaxed that they won’t want to work the next morning. 

The research on THC as a sleep aid is even shakier than it is on CBD. This is due to both legal restrictions and the unfortunate side effects of THC. While THC can’t be recommended as a sleep aid (aside from being a pain-killer and sleep aid by extension), people are working on a form of THC that is both more legal and has fewer side effects. 

Delta-8-THC aims to create a perfect balance. The idea is to get the beneficial effects of THC without inhibiting the rest of one’s life. People who have taken delta-8 attest that it has a milder high with fewer side effects. 


In today’s electric, fast-paced, production-focused world, it is easy to understand why many people suffer from sleep disorders. With cannabis now legal in much of the US, cannabis-based sleep aids are on the rise. CBD in particular shows promise. Given the legal restrictions around THC, it is difficult to determine if THC can be used as a sleep aid or if THC users sleep better due to other effects (such as pain relief). ” Incorporating CBD and THC into your life as a sleeping aid can be a great way to promote relaxation and a restful night’s sleep. However, it’s important to remember that these products need to be stored properly to maintain their effectiveness and potency. One of the best ways to store CBD products is by using mylar smell proof bags that are designed to keep out air, moisture, and light, which can all contribute to the degradation of the CBD.

Please consult a doctor to determine whether cannabis will help you get the good night’s sleep you deserve. Whether you dab, vape, or eat CBD as a candy, use your cannabis-based medicine responsibly. Sweet dreams!


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