Using an NPI Number Search: Understanding The Results


Healthcare workers, have you ever had to use an NPI number? If so, you know that National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers are essential to the healthcare industry. But do you know what they are and why they’re so important? Here’s a quick overview of NPIs in healthcare and why they matter. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is An NPI Number?

An NPI number is a unique identifier for healthcare providers. It’s used by insurance companies, government agencies, and other organizations to keep track of “who’s who” in the healthcare world. This information is a critical way to coordinate care between healthcare agencies and verify providers themselves. In healthcare, NPI numbers are similar to a Social Security number. NPIs are assigned numbers identifying doctors and other medical professionals, allowing them to verify and communicate with one another.

Why Are NPI Numbers Important?

So why do we need NPI numbers? They help ensure everyone gets the best care they need from the right provider. They also help to prevent fraud and abuse in the healthcare system. NPI numbers also are an essential tool for providers to identify one another and simplify the billing process. By having a unique identifier for each provider, providers and patients alike can be sure that no one is billing for services they haven’t provided or been given.

What Do NPI Search Results Mean?

Generally speaking, an NPI number search will return search results for individual providers, organizations, and facilities. Individual providers include doctors, nurses, therapists, and other medical providers. Organizations are entities that have been assigned an NPI number, such as a hospital or clinics. Facilities are locations where health care services are provided. This could be a nursing home, assisted living facility, or even a house or apartment complex that provides home health care services.


The other information that NPI searches return includes:

  • NPI: The National Provider Identifier is given to the practitioner.
  • Enumeration Date: The date the NPI number was assigned to the provider.
  • NPI Type: Individual medical providers are given Type 1 NPIs, while organizations are assigned Type 2 NPIs.
  • Status: The current status (active or inactive) of the provider’s NPI.
  • Address: This is simply the address linked to the NPI.
  • Taxonomy: These codes reflect the provider’s specialty and classification, Taxonomy Codes categorize the type, classification, and specialization of a healthcare provider.
  • Other Identifiers: This field pairs NPIs with insurers to help health plans match with healthcare providers.
  • Endpoint Information: These results show where patients can get a provider’s services and typically list their address and website.


NPI search results are critical for healthcare providers and patients to get information about other healthcare providers. If you’ve ever been asked for your NPI number, now you know what it is and why it’s essential. The information provided is a reliable way to determine a provider’s status, where the practice is located, how to get in touch with them, and the taxonomy codes necessary for the billing and claims process.


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