Disorders Connected To Sleep Apnea


Last Updated on February 3, 2024

Sleep apnea is a frequent and severe condition in which breathing pauses for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. The disease causes less oxygen in the blood and might cause sleepers to wake up momentarily throughout the night. Overlooking Carthay sleep apnea may negatively influence your overall health since the implications of untreated sleep apnea frequently damage more than just your sleep quality. The illness may put you at risk for various health problems, including high blood pressure and depression. Here are some disorders that are often associated with sleep apnea.

  1.     Heart issues

Sleep apnea has been related to a variety of cardiac diseases. Sleep apnea can reduce the quantity of oxygen in your blood and disrupt comfortable sleep. Your body may respond by producing stress hormones. These hormones raise the risk of high blood pressure, heart stroke, heart failure, and irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). Additionally, those with sleep apnea are more likely to have additional risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity and diabetes.

  1.     Diabetes problems

Sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes are frequently seen together. This might be because many individuals with type 2 diabetes are overweight, which often coexists with sleep apnea. Researchers have also shown that sleep apnea may raise the risk of diabetes. When you breathe irregularly while sleeping, the carbon dioxide level in your blood rises. Diabetes patients may develop insulin resistance, which causes the body to become unable to utilize insulin properly. Blood sugar levels may rise as a result. Furthermore, a lack of proper sleep may decrease motivation to exercise or prepare meals, aggravating diabetes.

  1.     Stroke

Stress hormones released from sleep apnea can significantly raise your risk of stroke. Sleep apnea has been linked to a rise in blood pressure, a key risk factor for stroke. Most strokes occur when a blood artery becomes clogged, cutting off blood supply to the brain. Sleep apnea can potentially cause blood vessel damage in the brain. Nearly 70% of stroke patients have sleep apnea, and they may not recover as well as those who do not have sleep apnea.

  1.     Increased blood pressure

Sleep apnea may be classified into two types: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Both of these kinds of sleep apnea might increase blood pressure while sleeping. Sleep apnea damages brain areas that regulate blood pressure. The quantity of oxygen your blood carries to your brain is decreased, putting you at risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

  1.     Obesity

Obstructive sleep apnea affects about half of all overweight people. Obesity and sleep apnea are linked in two ways. Obesity increases the fatty tissue surrounding the windpipe, decreasing the breathing route. This increases the likelihood of sleep blockage, which lowers airflow. Sleep apnea can also impair your body’s ability to utilize energy usually. This makes it simpler to acquire weight, increasing your chances of being obese. To stop this pattern from occurring, it is critical to concentrate on reaching a healthy weight.

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition. Speak with your doctor if you snore or suspect you have sleep apnea. A non-invasive sleep study can identify whether you have the problem. Modern therapies can help you achieve a good night’s sleep, lower your risk of numerous significant health issues, and make your day vibrant. Call Smile Perfector Dental Group or book your consultation online to learn more about sleep apnea.