What a Functional Skills Qualification Is?


A Functional Skills Qualification demonstrates that the learner has knowledge of a subject area and the ability to apply that knowledge to different topics. People with functional skills are prepared for their working and professional lives with fundamental English and math skills. Even A Functional Skills Qualification can be helpful in every field of life. Like in the professional and non-professional parts of life.

There are numerous levels of Functional Skills Qualification which is listed below:

  • Entry Level 1
  • Entry Level 2
  • Entry Level 3
  • Level 1
  • Level 2

Level 1 corresponds to GCSE grades 1-3, Level 2 to GCSE grade 4, and Entry-level 1-3 are below GCSE level. After passing a level of a Functional Skills Qualification, students can move on to the next level. After passing Levels 1 and 2, students can opt to continue their education by taking GCSEs, moving into the workforce, or enrolling in a vocational program.

Every Functional Skills Assessment receives a pass/fail mark. The qualification outcome is completely dependent on exam results; there are no coursework or portfolio-based components. Papers for entry-level qualifications are internally evaluated. Exams for levels 1 and 2 can be taken online or on paper. While the paper tests must be finished by the dates stated by the awarding organization, the online exams can be taken anytime the student feels prepared.

Functional Skills Qualifications and Their Importance

The fact that functional skills qualifications assist to provide students with the abilities they need for the job, which is very appealing to employers, is one of the most significant reasons that learners should think about taking them.

The qualifications were improved through collaboration between the Department of Education and employers. Some of these adjustments include a renewed emphasis on spelling, grammar, and punctuation without the help of a dictionary and the ability to use the times’ tables without the aid of a calculator. With these modifications, instructors hope to increase students’ self-assurance as they apply these abilities independently in real-world situations. Visit International Home Study to learn more about functional skills qualifications.

English Functional Skills:

The English Functional Skills Qualification aims to assist students in reading accurately, writing papers clearly, using excellent spelling, syntax, and punctuation, and understanding and responding to verbal communication in a variety of contexts.

The three tests that students must pass to complete their English Functional Skills are as follows:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening

Mathematics Functional Skills:

The goal of the mathematics functional skills certification is to provide learners with the chance to show that they are well-versed in mathematical problem-solving techniques and have the capacity to address mathematical issues in contexts that are familiar to them. The certificate also seeks to provide students with a solid foundation for moving forward into the workforce.

A learner’s confidence in their core mathematical knowledge and skills can increase by taking mathematics functional skills examinations. The mathematics functional skills certification has material in a variety of areas, including:

  • Read, write, order, and compare whole numbers up to 20.
  • Use whole numbers, including zero to count to 20.
  • Add numbers that total up to 20, and subtract numbers from 20.
  • Recognize and interpret the symbols +, – and = appropriately


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