5 Things To Remember When Buying An As-Is Home


Last Updated on February 4, 2024

“As is” real estate listing means the buyer agrees to accept the house without any change. The seller won’t make any repairs or credits for home defects or grounds when buying an as-is home. Some significant defects that won’t get repaired by the seller are structural problems, mold or mildew problems leaking or faulty roofs, even non-functioning systems, and more. 

When you are purchasing a home in as-is condition, you should make sure to remember some things. Continue reading to find out the things that you will need to know before purchasing the home.

Things To Remember When Buying An As-Is Home 

Purchasing an as-is home can be tricky as it can be really hard to project how much money will go into the repairs, so you should be careful while making the deal. However, they can make a good investment as their asking price is lower than the market price of the local properties. You can even go for some amazing DIY projects which can further help to increase the value of your home. 

Going further, here’s what you should remember about purchasing a home in as it is condition: 

1. Go For A Home Inspection 

A home inspection is crucial to any home purchase. Going for an inspection will help you check if there are hazardous conditions on the property and the amount for repairs that needs to be carried out. If the repair amount fits in your budget, the home can be a good investment. However, if the seller refuses a home inspection, it is recommended not to go further with the transaction. 

2. Know The State’s Disclosure Requirements

While the seller doesn’t have to give a complete disclosure, they have to provide all the details about the defects that fall under state or federal regulations. If the damage isn’t known until you close the deal, you can file a claim for damage or get the price for the repairs. Disclosure laws are not the same for every state, so make sure to check the defect included in the federal disclosure regulations. 

3. Get A Home Warranty 

Getting a home warranty is much recommended when you have to purchase a home in as-it is condition. It is a service contract that will help cover the costs of repair or replacement of the home’s major appliances and systems in case of a breakdown due to normal wear and tear.

There are many home warranty companies that offer different plans to the homeowners, make sure to read the reviews and invest in the right one. As there are different home warranty platforms that offer you reliable information about the best companies, ensure to thoroughly read them and then make a decision. 

If you are looking for home warranty companies’ reviews, Homewarrantyerviews.com is one of the most reliable websites where you can find the best companies in your town and even get a free quote. 

4. Go For A Real Estate Agent

It is super imperative to work with a good agent as that can aid you to understand everything from the disclosure to the inspections reports. They will be able to help you make the best out of the home buying deal. 

5. Know What Is Being Sold As It Is 

You must know what part of the property is sold as it is. It can be the whole property or just certain areas.. Make sure you analyze the part sold as it is or without repairs. 

The Bottom Line

Buying an as-is home is not for everyone. If you are a house flipper who wants to make a profit on the property, or you can spot and get issues fixed easily, it may be for you. If you want to purchase a property in its condition, make sure to get a home inspection to avoid any unwanted surprises later on.  Research the mortgage lenders to check if they can fund your purchase (if required). Don’t forget to hire an experienced real estate agent, especially if you are purchasing a property for the first time.