How to Get Rid of a Weed Hangover?


Brain fog, headache, slowness, nausea and the urge to just lay down for the rest of the day. Sounds familiar? These are just some of the most common symptoms of a weed hangover.

They’re not as severe as the effects of drinking too much alcohol and are much more manageable. However, not everyone has the same level of tolerance – and for some, the morning after having too much weed can be a gruesome experience.

For those who would like to stay fresh and comfy or totally prevent a hangover after a superb cannabis session, read on.

In this guide, we’ll discuss what a cannabis hangover feels like, how to identify one, and how to recover from it.

First, What Are the Symptoms of a Weed Hangover? 

For first-time users or beginners, a weed hangover may be hard to identify right away. Some say it feels just like a hangover after a good Saturday night drink with friends, but actually, it’s not.

However, just like an alcohol hangover, a cannabis hangover occurs when you consume more than what you’re used to or past what your body can take. This means that a marijuana hangover is dose-dependent.

After consuming, vaping or smoking more than normal amounts, you may feel the following effects:

  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain
  • Dehydration or fluid loss
  • Weight loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue

Luckily, some people may not experience any of these symptoms at all. In a survey done by CBD Oracle in 2021, 48 percent of their respondents said that they don’t experience hangovers at all and they feel “productive and refreshed” the day after using, while others reported only mild symptoms.

What to Do During a Marijuana Hangover

It’s all about listening to your body, how it’s feeling and what it needs. The severity of a marijuana hangover and its symptoms differ for every individual. Some may just get a mild headache and drowsiness, while some may experience a combination of the symptoms mentioned above.

Nevertheless, here are some countermeasures you can take to feel a little refreshed or relieved during a marijuana hangover:

1. Drink plenty of water

It’s a common misconception that marijuana dehydrates you because of how it causes dryness in the mouth (a common dehydration symptom). But, the truth is, it is actually the THC from marijuana that is preventing the salivary glands from producing saliva and not a loss of fluids in the body.

In addition, a marijuana hangover can cause headaches and drowsiness, which are also symptoms of a lack of fluid in the body.

Drinking water will not directly help with these symptoms, but it will help alleviate them, making you feel more refreshed. In addition, drinking a lot of fluid can help you cleanse your system of any impurities.

2. Take a cold shower

Taking a cold shower should be at the top of your list when you have a marijuana hangover. It will not only get rid of the smell of marijuana on your body and hair, but it will also help you feel more alert and active right after waking up.

A cold shower increases your heart rate and improves the circulation of blood throughout your body and brain, giving you a boost in alertness.

On the other hand, a hot or warm shower can help you feel more relaxed. A hot shower will open up your pores and aid your body in flushing out toxins.

3. Drink coffee or tea

Some say that coffee or any caffeinated drinks aren’t so good after using marijuana as they will just dehydrate you and worsen the hangover, but this is simply untrue. Caffeine does have a diuretic effect which means that it will help the body get rid of salts and fluid, but not to the extent that you’ll be dehydrated.

A cup of joe in the morning will help you get rid of that brain fog and function normally throughout the day after a marijuana hangover.

4. Take some OTC medications 

The worst part of a marijuana hangover is the headache. It’s that throbbing pain in the head that will render you immobile for the rest of the day if left untreated.

Some over-the-counter pain relievers will do the trick. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen is one of the most common pain relievers used for headaches. Make sure to take the recommended dosage by your doctor or pharmacy.

Be aware of contraindications. There are OTC medications that you cannot take after or during marijuana use. Some examples are sedatives like Benadryl, anti-anxiety medications like Valium, pain medications like Percocet, and anti-depressants like Zoloft, among many others.

5. Eat a balanced diet

Your overall health is one of the factors that affect how your body will react to marijuana usage. Eating the right foods can provide you with the energy that you’ll need to keep up with the effects of marijuana that can make you sluggish.

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of carbohydrates and a long list of vitamins that will invigorate you during a hangover.

6. Take CBD

It may sound counterintuitive for some, but taking CBD during a marijuana hangover may help alleviate some of the unwanted side effects.

CBD is a chemical component of the marijuana plant but does not contain the psychoactive agent, THC. It is used for a lot of medical conditions such as seizures, Crohn’s disease and Parkinson’s, among many others. It can also help counteract anxiety, pain, stress and other conditions.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, you can head to a CBD store to look for a remedy. CBD products are effective in taking hold of hangover symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and vomiting.

In addition, CBD is also capable of lowering alcohol levels in the blood, making it the perfect alcoholic hangover solution.

How to Avoid Marijuana Hangovers

Although the effects of Marijuana hangovers can be unpleasant, it doesn’t have to mean every day of your life is spent in misery. There are plenty of ways to prevent hangovers, or combat them once they’ve hit. Try these tips and see if they help kick your weed hangover in the bud.

1. Look for a new way of consuming marijuana

Marijuana is most popular as a substance that is consumed through inhalation by smoking, but it can also be consumed in other ways that can give it a different kind of kick and intensity.

Marijuana can be consumed orally in the form of edibles, capsules and oils. It can also be consumed in the form of dissolvable strips that are placed under the tongue or sprays (sublingual consumption). Lastly, marijuana can also be applied topically.

Smoking marijuana guarantees a faster onset of effects but with a shorter duration of around 2-3 hours. Edibles, on the other hand, take a little more time in the digestive system until they are fully absorbed, but their effects can last up to 12 hours.

2. Switch to low-THC marijuana

The main culprit for marijuana hangovers is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. It’s the psychoactive agent present in the plant that keeps you high for a certain amount of time after consuming the drug.

Your hangovers are pretty dosage-dependent which means that the higher the dosage of THC, the harder the hangover will hit you.

There are high CBD, low THC strains out there that you can try. These strains are perfect for beginners who are looking to just relax without intoxication.

3. Don’t consume other substances while taking marijuana

Marijuana itself doesn’t really cause massive hangovers by itself when taken in healthy amounts. Still, when consumed with other substances, such as other drugs and alcohol, you might want to brace yourself for a nasty hangover.

It is quite common for marijuana users to drink alcohol while they smoke or eat their edibles. On unfortunate occasions, mixing these two can cause “greening out” or a combination of dizziness, sweating and nausea.

4. Take days off

If you’re a newbie to marijuana, you may not have heard of a tolerance break just yet because you haven’t been using marijuana for a long time. But, after long-term use, you will need a T-break to reset your cannabinoid receptors.

Cannabinoid receptors are what determine how much THC your body must intake to feel that high you’re looking for. After long-term use of marijuana, your body will be able to tolerate more THC before the effects kick in.

Taking a T-break can help you eliminate hangovers. As mentioned above, hangovers are dose-dependent. The more THC in your body, the worse the hangover will be. With a T-break, you will need a lower dosage to feel the effects of THC, lowering the chances of a nasty hangover the following day.

5. Stick to your sleeping schedule

Fatigue, marijuana use and oversleeping can become an awful mix that will lead to a dreadful hangover. Schedule your marijuana use at least an hour before bedtime. Marijuana is a great sleeping aid that will help you repair your circadian rhythm.

If you have problems with sleep, marijuana may just be the solution. However, using marijuana past your bedtime can have the opposite effects.

6. Avoid overconsumption

At the end of the day, the easiest way to avoid a marijuana hangover is to not go over your limit in terms of dosage.

If you’re just starting with marijuana, make sure that you start with the smallest dose possible and work your way up. If you experience any of the symptoms stated above, then cut back on the dosage. Remember, moderation is key to everything, including the consumption of weed.


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