How do I know if I need commercial lawn care?


Last Updated on February 6, 2024

It would seem that grass grows by itself, but without proper care, the lawn becomes wild and loses its acceptable appearance. Therefore, it requires serious care throughout most of the year. Proper lawn care is a complex of measures. In carrying out which can not do without special equipment, the variety of which most people do not even realize. It is about the correct use of various types of this technique and we will tell you below. 

An important contribution to the attractive appearance of the area are green areas, flowerbeds, and lawns. This aspect is particularly important for establishments such as restaurants and hotels. That is why extensive maintenance work on these areas is a popular service. In this work, professionalism and a thorough approach to business are important. It is often necessary to achieve a quality result and not to sacrifice beauty.

Types of lawns and their features

To begin with, let’s understand what types of lawns exist:

An ordinary lawn (standard) is the most ordinary lawn, which is neatly trimmed and cleaned. As a rule, the care for such a lawn is not too stressful – it is enough to periodically mow it and remove fallen leaves

Parterre (front) – this lawn differs from the usual version of the special care. It is sown with special varieties of grass, and requires constant professional mowing, watering, aeration, scarifying, and other types of care, which we will describe below.

Professional (sports) – this type of lawn is paid the most attention because the quality of the surface will depend on the comfort of the players on the field, whether it is a game of golf, soccer, or tennis. By the way, in the legendary courts of Wimbledon since 2000, the seeds used perennial rye, which greatly increases the durability of the surface.

Flowering turf (Moorish) – an original solution, which dazzles with bright colors of different low-growing meadow flowers

Rolled turf – this type of coverage is natural, but the turf is prepared in production conditions and comes in rolled rolls. This relieves about 50% of the burden of creating a beautiful lawn, as seeding and nurturing problems are handled by the manufacturer

Here are sure signs that you need commercial property landscape maintenance:

  • Your business has more than half an acre of land that needs to be cared for. It’s best to hire a contractor with commercial experience to take care of your business’s lawn and garden.
  • You notice the place is overgrown. You may have thought you could handle mowing and weeding on your own, but a week has passed and the weeds have only gotten bigger. It’s unsightly and sends the wrong message to your customers and clients. 
  • You have a lot of customers coming in. When customers come and go, it’s important that the place looks nice. It’s also important that your commercial landscaper follows proper safety precautions. 
  • Customers note the “wild” look of your landscape. You may have thought it was fine, but if clients tell you it’s time to make a change. Unless you are striving for the wild and pristine look of a natural garden, it should always look perfectly pruned. Regardless of who has done the maintenance up to this point, you need to hire a professional with experience in commercial landscaping.

Lawn maintenance includes the following activities:

  • watering
  • fertilizing
  • grass cutting
  • weeding
  • soil aeration

It is also very important that the company be insured. Imagine the following: Instead of hiring commercial landscape services, you hire an inexperienced and uninsured person. As a result of his misuse of equipment near clients, someone gets injured.  If your landscaper was insured, his or her insurance will pay all medical bills. If he or she is uninsured, however, it’s up to you.

If you want your lawn to please everyone who sees it, you must put your heart and soul into it. With special lawn care equipment, you can keep your lawn in top condition all season long. Experienced professionals will take care of it responsibly. Only proven methods and the use of safe fertilizers are used in the process. Working hours are agreed upon with the client in advance. It can be weekends when the work will not interfere with a large number of visitors. 

As a result, your lawn will look great, will be beautiful, well-groomed, and green.

Earth Development has been in the lawn care business for a long time and therefore can offer clients the highest quality work at the best price. The company provides its services all over the country. From Minneapolis to Kansas City. Always happy to help you surround yourself with beauty.