How to Know If Your Eyesight Is Getting Worse


Last Updated on February 15, 2021

Around 12 million Americans over forty years of age experience eyesight impairment every year. About 2,000 US workers damage their eyes in work-related accidents.

Whether your eyesight is getting worse or you’re suddenly experiencing blurry vision, eye problems are a severe health issue. No matter the cause.

But don’t fret. For most eyesight conditions, you have the chance to address them before they get worse.

Below, we highlight several eye health signs that are worth heading to the doctor for.

You’re Sensitive to Bright Lights

Cataracts are a severe eye condition that can lead to you losing your eyesight if not addressed quickly. You might know that increasingly cloudy vision is a sign that you’re developing cataracts. But did you know that cataracts can also make you sensitive to light?

As your lens gets covered over with proteins, especially if they clump together at the back of the lens, the glare of bright lights can cause eye pain.

Do you have throbbing pain on one side of your head? You might be experiencing a migraine, which can also cause people to develop photophobia. Light sensitivity is also a possible side effect of laser eye surgery.

You’re Experiencing Blurred Vision

As we mention above, cataracts are just one of the many causes of blurred vision.

It might be one of the signs you need glasses. According to experts from this practice, you could be developing nearsightedness (or farsightedness). Nothing that a visit to an optometrist and a pair of prescription glasses or contact lenses can’t fix.

You might have a superficial bacterial infection or viral infection like conjunctivitis, or maybe a scratched cornea. If you hit your head recently, visit the doctor to check for a concussion. Blurred vision can also signify more severe vision problems, from glaucoma to uveitis, a type of chronic inflammation.

Do you have a genetic predisposition for high blood pressure or diabetes? If you suspect you have either of these diseases, which can cause blurry eyesight, get tested right away. They’re manageable with medication and lifestyle changes.

You Can’t See Out of One Eye

If you lose vision in one or both of your eyes, get yourself to the ER post haste. It could be the sign of a mass in your brain, a brain tumor, or a stroke. These are all severe conditions that require immediate medical treatment.

Sometimes the vision loss is gradual–it happens over a day or days. Other times, it happens in minutes or hours. Outside of the medical emergencies mentioned above, the cause could be anything from a black eye or migraine to a much more serious detached retina or blocked retinal artery.

Blotches That Obscure Your Vision

Seeing black spots or gray shadows in or across your eye is one of the main signs of macular degeneration. Doctors can treat this age-related condition with a combination of eye injections, lifestyle improvements, vitamin therapy.

A quick or temporary greying of your vision, called a grayout. Light and color will appear dimmer than usual, and you might get tunnel vision. Seek support right away, as a grayout usually precedes a fainting episode.

Eyesight Is Getting Worse? See Your Doctor

If your eyesight is getting worse, visit a doctor right away. The likelihood of recovery is greater the quicker you identify the condition. If your eyesight has deteriorated beyond repair, know that support is available for people with vision impairment.

To get up-to-the-minute health advice, browse the other wellness articles on our website.