Here Are Seven Resources Every Entrepreneur Needs

Every Entrepreneur Need

‘Solo entrepreneur’ is just a terminology; it’s impossible to run a successful business without help. A smart business owner knows how to lean on tools, resources, and other people whenever possible. That’s why we know that these seven tools that every entrepreneur need will be invaluable to your new business. Check them out.

A viable business model

A business idea may be the foundation of a business, but a viable model keeps it going. It can also help you with the planning phase, where many entrepreneurs get stuck. Instead of spending months developing a business plan, budget, and financial projections, try modeling your business after an already successful one.

Site development tools

If your business is going to succeed in the 21st century, you need a spectacular website. The good news is that there are tons of tools online for you to choose from. Many of them even have free plans and trial periods in case you don’t want any commitments. You can begin with hosting services like Bluehost and WordPress site builder.

Scheduling tools

Scheduling tools offer excellent support for people who have a lot on their plates. They can help you plan your day to the minute, create to-do lists, schedule meetings, and so on. Some scheduling tools even let you sync your emails and schedule pre-written messages. Running a business is challenging, but scheduling tools can make that easier for you. Some tools worth looking into are Evernote and Todoist.

Learning resources

You may have heard the saying, ‘readers are leaders’ so often it made you sick as a child. Unfortunately, we’ve said it once more, but only because it’s true. Continuous education can help you stay on top of sharpening your current skill set, and even pick up new ones. It can also keep you updated on new and current events in your industry. Cool learning tools include Coursera and Udemy.

Competitor research

It’s not just enough to have a solid business model and strategy. You also need to know what your competitors are up to, and how it’s working for them. Luckily, you don’t need corporate espionage for any of that. All you need is an excellent research tool like Ahrefs or SimilarWeb. These analyze your competitor’s website and tell you how much traffic they get, where it’s coming from, and so on. 

A great email newsletter

Sometimes, you only have enough time in the day to read your emails while sipping coffee. In that case, you need a great newsletter(s) that can condense everything you need to know into consumable chunks of information. You don’t have to look too far for a great one. Simply sign up to whatever site you normally visit for all your information. If you need recommendations, some classics include the 3-2-1 newsletter by James Clear and Annette Stepanian’s newsletter.

A sound understanding of business taxes

Are you a small business owner or self-employed? Do you have multiple streams of income? What’s your filing status? These are just some of the questions every entrepreneur need to answer when filing your taxes. Their answers bring even more questions. You may already be familiar with filing taxes, but it doesn’t hurt to get even more knowledge. Explore Taxfyle’s resource on small business taxes for dummies to get started.


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