9 Myths about Kitchen Appliances


Last Updated on March 28, 2024

We live surrounded by different opinions. And if some are always relevant, then it is high time to stop believing in others. The latter often include those related to household appliances. Read more about modern kitchen gadgets on cookingtopgear.

After all, technological progress improves gadgets and eliminates them from a number of disadvantages. But not all of us are aware of this, and therefore continue to believe in untruthful facts.

Here are 13 of the most common myths about kitchen appliances that have long had nothing to do with reality.

  1. No Frost fridges and dishwashers work very loudly

There used to be a real problem with the noise that the kitchen appliances made. First of all, it was the fridge and dishwasher. But this trend does not apply to the devices that were produced in the last decade.

So, the fridge has long been operating with a maximum noise of about 34-39 dB, which is similar to quiet conversation. Dishwashers hum a little louder – 42-52 dB. However, this level can only be compared with the sound of a working typewriter.

  1. No Frost fridges don’t require defrosting

Another, perhaps, the most common myth about the No Frost fridge. Thus, it is believed that if this technology is not burdened with ice accumulation, then such a gadget does not need defrosting.

But that’s not quite true. If you carefully read the instruction manual for the No Frost refrigerator, it indicates that the gadget still needs to be defrosted once or twice a year. However, the reason is not getting rid of the glacier in the freezer, but maintaining hygiene inside the device. But you still need to defrost it.

  1. Larger fridges are more energy efficient

It’s amazing that many still believe in this strange myth. They say that the bigger the fridge is, the more electricity it uses for work. In fairness, it should be said that different devices can actually consume kilowatts differently, but this is not related to size.

In fact, the energy efficiency of a refrigerator depends on the class to which it belongs. The most expensive is considered to be class A, B, and C appliances. But the most economical are A+++ appliances.

An interesting fact – for comparison, the refrigerator model of A+++ class consumes about 150 kW/h per year. And the device of B class – almost twice as much.

  1. The dishwasher can do the dishes worse than a man

Of course, when a person does everything with his hands, subconsciously he is more satisfied with the result of his work. Therefore, there are those who do not trust the technique as much. However, sometimes this distrust becomes almost absurd. Many consider the dishwasher to be ineffective compared to human hands.

But in fact, this kind of obsession with technology has nothing to do with reality. A high-quality and properly operated dishwasher fully copes with its responsibilities.

Problems with cleanliness in the dishwasher occur not so much because of the device itself, but because of the incorrect placement of the dishes themselves. In addition, the dishwasher uses more powerful cleaning agents than conventional ones. And also has a number of different ways to clean cutlery – steam or under pressure.

  1. The dishwasher is uneconomical

Those who are critical of additional kitchen appliances often make the following argument against buying a dishwasher – a dishwasher is not able to save either water or electricity. But in reality, the opposite is true.

So, the volume of water that the machine uses for 12 sets is equal to the volume of 1-2 standard sinks. Simple arithmetic calculations make it clear that washing the same amount of dishes by hand will take much more water. In addition, the machine uses only cold water. As far as electricity is concerned, the principle of energy efficiency is similar to that of refrigerators; i.e. it depends on the class to which this or that model belongs.

  1. Water from an electric kettle is harmful to the body

This myth has been around for a long time, but it still sits firmly in the minds of many people. It is believed that water from an electric kettle absorbs harmful substances from the body.

In fact, conscientious manufacturers use food-grade plastic for the kettle body. For those who are still afraid of plastics, they can choose between glass models or stainless steel kettles. These materials are not able to “reward” water with anything harmful.

Interesting fact: in certain cases, water from an electric kettle can actually be dangerous. But this happens when the same water is boiled several times or constantly left on heating. Such boiling water can actually have an unpleasant smell or taste. But the reason is not the device itself, but the improper operation on the part of the user.

  1. Slow cooker is more effective if it has more programs

One of the most common opinions about kitchen appliances is the idea that the more programs built into the slow cooker, the more functional it is. But not everyone has the idea that this is a myth. This is rather a trick of marketers, but it has nothing to do with reality.

The fact is that different programs in a multi-cooker, in fact, imply a certain temperature regime and cooking time. And the skilled hostess knows that one temperature can approach for preparation of several kinds of dishes at once. Therefore, when choosing a multi-cooker, pay attention even to those models where the number of programs does not exceed a dozen. Such a device also performs its duties perfectly, the main thing – to deal with its programs.

  1. The food in the slow cooker is more useful

Multi-cookers have become especially popular among those who follow their diet and adhere to a healthy diet. Therefore, there is an opinion that dishes prepared in a slow cooker are more useful than if they were prepared in other devices.

To be fair, it should be said that food in a slow cooker can really be prepared in a more useful way. For example, steamed. However, as far as standard heat treatment is concerned, there is no difference. A slow cooker heats food in the same way as other appliances. This means that vitamins and nutrients are destroyed in the same way. Moreover, it often takes longer to prepare food than traditionally on the stove. That is, the process of destruction of trace elements can go even further.

  1. The microwave oven is the most dangerous device

Perhaps the record holder for the number of negatives and myths is the microwave oven. It was accused of many things: that radiation from it leads to various diseases, food from it is “dead”, and much more.

In reality, however, everything is much more optimistic. The main thing to know about UHF radiation is that it is not ionizing. So the radiation from microwave ovens is no more harmful than from other kitchen appliances. In addition, the microwave is designed to protect against the waves by shielding. You can see a kind of “grid” on the oven door. This is a shield against radiation.