6 Factors to Consider When Finding a Mold Inspector

mold Inspector

Everybody wants to live in a mold-free home where the environment is conducive and safe. Mold can be dangerous to the health of the people in that home. Also, it affects the beauty of the home whether it is inside or outside the home. Sometimes mold is visible and there are times you only smell it or not even know of its presence. Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to the effects of mold on their health. Surprisingly, when they leave the infested environment they become fine but in a moldy area their allergies act up. Mold affects their respiratory system and also the skin and other health issues. Therefore, if you suspect any mold in your home, you are moving into a new home or you are expecting a baby. It is important to contact a mold inspector to check for mold in your home. Below are some of the factors to consider when finding a mold inspector.

The initial conversation

Of course, if you are looking for a mold inspection Texas service. You already have several numbers to call before you find the best one who has a price you can afford. Through the phone conversation and their prices, you will know if you have found your mold inspector or not. For instance, depending on the mold issue that you have, you may not need a mold inspector to visit your home as you can get advice over the phone. Hence, with such instances, you can tell through the communication if they are familiar with such issues. According to how they communicate the problems and risks involved depending on the issue at hand. Also, consider how they charge for their consultancy, sampling, reporting, and experience or if it is a flat rate for everything. Remember to factor in the surface testing and air quality testing as part of the mold inspection report. All in all, the price depends on the services and experiences provided by the mold inspector.

Training and work experience

hire a mold inspector

Before you hire a mold inspector you must know that this person is qualified. Both in proper training and work experience. Although they may not have as much experience, their training is as relevant. Hence, the more the training and work experience a mold inspector has the more qualified they are to assist you with your mold issue. Most of the highly qualified mold inspectors need to have a certificate of water damage restoration among other related ones. Thus, you can check whether they attended one of the professional associations that offer professional training and support on how to handle and solve mold issues. In regards to the work experience, those who work full time are preferred as they sound more experienced than those who work part-time.

Mold inspection routines

Mold inspection routines

An experienced and properly trained mold inspector always has a procedure to follow when conducting an inspection. Also, as part of their work ethics, they can explain what they have to do as part of the inspection in the home. Their main procedure is to check whether there is mold and if it exists in the home. This is not only for visible mold but also for mystery mold as both require proper procedures during the inspection. For instance, checking for any water damage and leaks in most prone areas. Looking for signs of mold or leakage in washing machines. Also, checking through the interiors of the home for water staining and also the outside surrounding of the home. Depending on how the standard inspection statement reads you can request if they can check crawl spaces, exteriors, and attics or otherwise.

Tools and equipment

To diagnose and confirm their findings mold inspectors use several tools and equipment. This helps them do thorough work and solve the mold issue in your home. Although you may not be aware of what the tools are or their uses. A mold inspector cannot present himself for inspection without their tools for the trade. Some of the tools and equipment they have include, infrared camera, flashlight, hygrometer, air quality pump, swabs among others. Some of them like the swabs and the air quality tester help to test and take samples of the presence of mold in the home. The samples are to be tested in the lab to get the results of the findings as there are many types of mold. Some inspectors wait for the results of the mold and proceed with removal while others skip the sampling procedures as it is not always necessary, but should be encouraged.


mold removal process

A mold inspector who has alliances to assist with the mold removal process is an efficient inspector. Consider this factor as you search for one, as the more the help there is the better in finishing the process fast. Most of these mold inspectors have other professional relationships with others that they can refer you to after the inspection is complete. Hence, if your mold inspector is not part of a company and offers this service as an individual. Most of them tend to provide good recommendations that will save you a lot of time and effort. Nonetheless, you need to qualify them as fit for the job and they have all the qualifications to solve your mold issue.

References and reputation

If the mold inspector you find has an online following. Read through the reviews to find out the complaints and praises on their page. Through this you can judge the work they will offer you and if the positive reviews are more, chances are the mold inspector is a good one. Also, through the reputation they have, you can know that they have consistent work and that’s an added benefit. The references from the company are also worthy to call to enquire about the mold inspector services. However, most companies do not give out their references and you can consider asking a friend who had a similar mold issue to refer you to the company that worked with them.


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