How Working Capital Is Used to Sustaining Business Growth

Sustaining Business Growth

Last Updated on April 6, 2024

There are two most difficult phases of running a business, the first one is the initial setup, and the second one is after a business achieves the success goals. Yes, taking a business to the peaks of success and accomplishing the goals are both huge challenges, but it is after the success, the real struggle begins. Once a business owner achieves their success goals, they do not know what they have to do next. The reason behind it is that entrepreneurs and business owners plan the goals but do not think about post-success. It is one of the biggest mistakes they make and which is what paves the way for their downfall. 

If you want to grow your business and then remain in the same position for a long-time and further improve your standing in the market, you need to have a post-growth plan. Without a strategy to implement after achieving success, your efforts will lose direction and create havoc. 

There are many different factors that you need to consider when working to sustain your business growth. Some of the most effective ones include the hiring of top talent and the establishment of a team of experts. It will directly impact your company’s operational efficiency. Then there is a factor of customer retention. It is something that needs to run parallel to acquiring new clients and customers. Another factor that many business owners and overlook is managing and maintenance of working capital loans


Management of working capital is one of the crucial factors that play a major role in helping business owners sustain the growth of their businesses. Businesses must know exactly what working capital and working capital loans are before they step into it.  

The term, “working capital,” encompasses the measure of a company’s short-term financial health along with its liquidity and operational efficiency. It is the difference between a business’ current assets and its current liabilities. The current assets of a company include inventories, account receivables, and cash. The current liabilities of a company include its account payables. There are two types of working capital, including negative working capital and positive working capital. Negative working capital is when the ratio between current assets to current liabilities is less than one. Positive working capital is a situation where a company can easily fund its current operations and while investing in future growth. A misconception among business owners is that maintaining a high working capital is good. However, it is not always the case. A working capital that is too high may indicate that a company has excessive inventory or is not investing enough. Many experts agree on the phrase that says, “working capital is life-blood of a business.”


To manage the working capital, taking up working capital loans is a smart option. A working capital loan is an amount a business owner borrows to finance their business’ current day-to-day operations. Taking working capital loans allows business owners to work for their business growth by using the earned money in future arrangements. 

There are a plethora of reasons for businesses to take up working capital loans. To survive, succeed, and sustain its growth, a business must always have money for a backup. The money that they have in their backup helps in maintaining a stable ground even during a challenging phase. Every business has to face a rough patch at least once. A business that stays stable even during difficult times is the one that can stay at the top for a long time. Having a working capital loan does not let the rough times have an impact on your company’s daily operations. 


When you have all your day-to-day operations in control, you can look for growth opportunities. You can experiment in new markets and explore the unique capabilities of your business. Once you are the top, you will have to explore new ways of expansion. You can only do that if you have your current operations in control.

Moreover, with expansion into newer horizons and broadening the audiences comes with risks. Stepping into a new space does not necessarily mean that you will get good outcomes. Sometimes, decisions to experiment can result in negative outcomes. If you do not have enough stability to keep your business intact even when the results of expansion are desirable, you will lose your top rank. With working capital in your account, the expansion risks you take will not have an impact on your current situation. 

Many businesses work in collaboration and partnership with other entities. While some partners are useful and prove beneficial to the business, some are not as effective. In such a case, it is better to break off the partnership. However, it can affect your business’ stability and even negatively impact your business’ financial standing. If you find yourself in such a situation, the best approach is to buy out an ineffective partner. It will not only increase your share, but it will save you from losing a huge chunk of money. Well, this is not a possibility if you do not have enough capital to run the operations and buy out a partner. When this is the case, a working capital loan will help you manage the things swiftly. 


Not only are working capital loans useful for the initial phase, but it can prove significantly benefit even during the post-growth phase. It is only after succeeding that a business owner can ponder upon the possibility of taking risky expansion steps. Working capital loans bestow a business owner with a peace of mind because it ensures that a business will run without interruptions. It is a form of short-term financial security that if you make a wrong or ill-judged move in the post-growth phase, the working capital will absorb the shocks of it and will not let it become an obstruction for the day-to-day operations in a company. It keeps your employees happy, as even in a rough patch, your company does not default on the payroll. Moreover, it keeps your inventory sufficiently stocked by storing raw materials to keep the company running during a challenging situation. When you buy in bulk, you will even get discounts that will add to your company’s cost-saving efforts. 

Maintaining and managing working capital is one of the high-priority areas which leaves a window for a business owner to test their business’ capabilities and experiment with new strategies. These expansion strategies and entering new markets is what can help you set new success goals and build a much more successful business, then what you first planned.