Last Updated on April 12, 2024
Did you know that 50% of US companies allow a casual dress code throughout the working week?
This is a significant increase from only 32% of companies allowing a casual dress code five years ago. But what does casual and business casual mean? And what is allowed at work?
Keep reading to learn more about business casual work attire and how you can make your outfits more fun.
Table of Contents
What is Business Casual?
More and more businesses are relaxing and redefining their dress codes. This can be great for employees because it means more freedom of clothing choice. However, on the other hand, it can lead to some confusion over the different terms used by businesses when it comes to work clothing.
Smart casual or business casual is a dress code that many businesses choose to go with. This means that employees should dress in well-fitting, neat and appropriate pieces, which aren’t too casual but also don’t have to be too business-like.
For example, business-like clothing includes smart suits, whereas business casual might include smart trousers and a shirt. The difference is that you don’t need to wear a tie and a blazer or smart jacket. However, many businesses don’t want their employees wearing clothes that are classed as too casual, for example, loose-fitting t-shirts with slogans on them.
The idea behind smart casual is to look smart and professional, but also be approachable and ready for any occasion. Allowing employees to abide by slightly less strict dress codes can also help them feel more comfortable and confident at work too.
If you’re in doubt about what you can and can’t wear at work, definitely ask your HR team about what their dress code means. Different businesses implement different dress codes, so it is always good to check and make sure you’re dressing appropriately for work.
5 Ways to Transform Your Business Casual into Fun Work Clothing
Some people enjoy choosing their outfits the night before, while others prefer to leave it to the morning to see what kind of mood they’re in. Whether you are organized or like to leave it to the last minute, there are bound to be some days where you don’t know what to wear to work.
A dull, uninspired, and repetitive wardrobe can leave you feeling less productive and less confident. So, it is very important to switch up your outfits at work.
1. Mix and Match Key Work Wardrobe Pieces
Everyone has a collection of workwear that they often couple together with the same pieces. For example, you might have a blouse or a shirt that you always wear with a certain pair of trousers or a skirt.
One way you can transform your business casual look is by coupling your clothing pieces with other pieces. Try on different outfits and mix and match your outfits. You might surprise yourself and find that your shirt works better with a different pair of trousers.
2. Find Accessories That Show Your Personality
Another way you can transform your work attire without ditching the business casual dress code is by adding in accessories that reveal your personality.
For example, you men might choose to swap their watches around during the week to match their different outfits. While women might choose to accessorize their outfits by adding hair accessories of jewelry. Remember not to go overboard with the accessories, keep it simple and add just a little something that shows your colleagues and customers who you are.
3. Try Different Footwear
You want footwear that is comfortable, practical, and that abides by the business casual dress code. A lot of people opt for the same shoes every day at work, which can make outfits look dull and uninspired. However, you can try adjusting your work outfits by wearing different footwear.
Some people prefer wearing sandals for work because they are comfortable. But sandals don’t usually look ideal for business casual, so you might want to find a pair that look smarter but still provide a great deal of comfort.
4. Make Use of Dress Down Friday
If your office or workplace has a dress down Friday dress code, then make use of this day to express yourself.
Dress down Friday is a great opportunity to add a bit more of your own personality to your workwear. It also means that you don’t need to worry too much about showing your personality in your clothing during the business casual dress code. Often workplaces allow their employees to wear items of clothing that they would normally wear when not at work.
5. Choose Dark Denim
Dark denim is a great piece to have in your work wardrobe because it looks smart and casual. Some days you might wish to look more casual than others and if you don’t want to wear smart trousers or a smart pencil skirt, then dark denim can do the job for you.
Some businesses don’t like their employees wearing jeans, however, you can get away with dark denim because it looks smart and casual. You can pair it with a smart blouse or shirt too, which means the top half of you is smart and the bottom half is casual.
Make Your Work Attire Work for You
Abiding by the rules of your business dress code is very important when it comes to your work attire. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have some fun and switch up your appearance every now and again. If you’re bored with the same work clothes that you wear every week, you need to follow our 5 ways to transform your business casual into fun work clothing.
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