5 ways to transform your conservatory into a playroom

5 ways to transform your conservatory into a playroom

Last Updated on May 25, 2020

Conservatories are amazing rooms as they are so adaptable! Not often will you come across two that have been given the exact same purpose. 

Whether it be a cosy hideaway for a book and a cup of tea or a bustling hub for the cocktail party, you can transform your conservatory for your own needs.

Even if your conservatory has been neglected and a little forgotten over the years, it is never too late to take inspiration and revamp!

With families growing and the housing market struggling, many are choosing to extend to accommodate children. Conservatories can make great playrooms should you be tiring of your living room looking like a toy box!

The team at Konservatory have put together five helpful ideas on how to migrate those knickknacks to the conservatory and reclaim the living room for the adults!

1.     Keep the place warm

Conservatories are notorious for following the elements, the majority tend to have tile or stone floor. Unfortunately for the UK, we can’t always rely on the warmest of weather, especially in the evenings.

The simplest changes can help keep everyone snug in the colder months and investing in a rug can ensure those little toes are kept warm and add a splash of colour to the room! It also provides a bit of safety when the next inevitable fall happens, just don’t spend too much, we all know it won’t last forever!

2.     Turn your windows into art

Perhaps not permanently, unless you are raising the next Rembrandt, but there is a huge range of semi-permanent glass paints available.

As conservatories are predominantly glass, these give an extensive surface area for the little ones to cover and keep them busy for hours! Many of these paints can easily be peeled off and moved around too, a great way for youngsters to tell stories with!

Keeping with this idea, why not chalkboard paint for the wall or even furniture?

With so many new ways of turning surfaces into canvas today, your budding artists will adore this new medium!

3.     Storage, storage, storage!

Ok, maybe this one benefits the adults a little more but ensuring there is plenty of places to hide away all those toys will help to keep your conservatory tidy.

This doesn’t have to cost a fortune, plastic storage boxes work absolute wonders and often come in great colours too! If you can’t find any colourful ones gets your kids involved in decorating them with stickers and make it their own.

Perhaps this could encourage them to put they things away in them (but we aren’t promising anything!).

4.     Bring the outside in

Kids love seeing results from something they have made, whether it be helping to bake Mum’s birthday cake to presenting their artistic masterpieces to the class. The same can be said for gardening.

Giving your little ones the task of watering plants and seeds can be the first steps in teaching them about responsibility. Keeping them in the conservatory not only brightens the room up but also means they can be cared for without having to get the wellies on!

Garden centres often sell cheap plant pots too, grab the glue, glitter and pom-poms and get decorating!

We do recommend you choose a fast-growing, easy seed such as sunflowers or snap peas so they don’t lose interest. As beautiful as they are, your three-year-old probably isn’t ready for orchids yet.

5.     Who doesn’t love bunting?

Nothing says ‘English Country Garden’ like some bunting or any form of garland for that matter! Since the 17th century, we have been adorning both inside and out with bright coloured flags on strings.

The internet is filled with varieties of colours and fabrics but one fun and cost-effective way is to get a card and start colouring! This helps your kids feel like the room is more theirs, give them as much input as possible so can feel proud of their playroom.

Alongside bunting, fairy lights are a great addition to a kid-friendly conservatory.  There are an extensive amount of solar powered ones available nowadays so they can charge all day in the sun and give a warm snuggly feeling at night!

Find out more at https://konservatory.co.uk