Wordless Ways of Saying ‘I Love You’

Wordless Ways of Saying ‘I Love You’

To say ‘I love you’ when the relationship is new can be a daunting thing. These three simple words express so much of our emotions, hopes, vulnerabilities, viewpoints and more. When we say these words, we are letting a significant person we trust further into our life and most likely closer than anyone has been before.

It’s no wonder then that with the weight around these words, people often want to look for alternative ways to express their love. If you want to show your partner you truly care for them without always saying it, this is the right article to be reading. One of the best ways you can demonstrate your love is with personalised jewellery and you might want to start by checking the sale at John Greed Jewellery.

With a Pandora bracelet or necklace, you can express heartfelt emotions without saying the words. You also get to give your loved one something beautiful that will last throughout the years and every time they wear it they’ll remember your love. There are plenty other ways you can express your love without using words also. Let’s find out what those are.

Expressing Love Without Words 

Actions speak louder than words and if you overuse precious sayings such as this, you are at risk of overdoing it. Instead, why not show your love to that other individual by doing a number of thoughtful, caring actions. Here are some great ideas:

  • Being completely present 

When someone needs you and you are there, it’s priceless. This is one of the best things to demonstrate your love to just about anyone. Being there to listen without judgement and from a place of love is something simple you can offer another human being. Whether you’re going out for dinner or having a cup of tea before you both head out to work, remember to devote times where you give each other undivided attention.

  • Thoughtful actions 

Small yet thoughtful actions can show you really care for that individual and have their best interests at heart. Doing something simple could be very meaningful to the other such as picking some groceries up after work or cooking them a meal after a hard day in the office. There are plenty of small things we can do that add up and show someone we truly love them.

  • Surprise them 

People love to be surprised and physical ways of showing this might be through getting a gift, treating them to a day out or buying something you know they like. It doesn’t have to be anything big to communicate your love.

  • Show gratitude, compromise and let your guard down 

These three things are little things that go a long way in a relationship. Saying ‘thank you’, showing you’re grateful, being willing to make compromises and showing your vulnerabilities are all great things.

Now you know some great ways to express your love without saying it, you’ll have confidence to start using these tips.


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