How To Keep A Consistent Design Theme Throughout Your Interiors

How To Keep A Consistent Design Theme Throughout Your Interiors bed

When you’re trying to create the home of your dreams, you soon realize that it’s actually a much harder task to take on that it seems. Even when you have an idea of what your home should look like, in reality, it can often take a look more work to pull together – and more budget too. So, before long, you could find yourself a little overwhelmed with the entire project. Because it’s really not easy to create an interior space – even if budget isn’t a problem. When you have lots of ideas and an eclectic taste, it can be even harder. So, you need to be able to streamline your approach to make it easier to manage.

One of the best ways to ensure that you come out with a design that you love, is consistency. It’s easy to think that you want to go modern in the living space and then vintage in the bedroom. But, more often than not, this is just going to leave you with a very disjointed design. And you may not like the end result. Instead, you need to think about keeping to one set theme. But again, that can be easier in your mind than it is during the process. Whether you want to stick to something minimal or country, regardless of the theme itself, here’s how you can ensure your design theme stays consistent when renovating your interiors.

Start A Mood Board

To get yourself started, you need a framework to stick to. It’s always so much harder to create something when you’re doing it freehand. So get yourself some guidance right at the beginning and start a mood board. Mood boarding is an incredibly effective way to not only inspire yourself, but ensure that you can stick to your theme. It’s also something you can constantly refer back to during the design process.

Decide On A Broad Color Palette

It’s often easy to identify when you’re mood boarding, but you do need to set a clear color palette for your theme at the beginning. When it comes to choosing your colors, it’s easy to think that you have to choose two or three, but this is going to be very limiting in the grand scheme of things. Remember, you have an entire house to decorate, so your color palette should be quite broad. Picking eight or ten colors that complement each other might be a better idea for you here – and will ensure your entire home stays consistent.

How To Keep A Consistent Design Theme Throughout Your Interiors wall pics

Stick To Similar Styles Of Furniture

When you see lots of different pieces of furniture that you love, it’s tempting to believe that you can just make it work. But don’t. Because you won’t. Unless you stick to similar styles, you’re going to be creating different effects. And that will sabotage your chases of creating a theme.

Keep Your Patterns In Line

It’s the same with patterns. You may want to work with different prints and fabrics, but it’s easy to create different looks and themes when you start mixing them too much. For patterns, always refer back to your mood board and don’t variate them too much. Then, you’ll keep everything within your set theme.

Mix Up Your Purchases

If you’re dying to work with some kind of variation, then do it with your price points. It’s super easy to create one unified look with items that are both cheap and expensive. And when you’re itching to mix things up, it will still allow you to stick within your theme. It can also mean that your budget is maximized too.

How To Keep A Consistent Design Theme Throughout Your Interiors wall pic

The Devil’s In The Detail

One of the most common areas that you can mess up your theme is with the finer details. You can create a great look and then undo it all when you put in the finishing touches. So be sure that they work too. Whether its window treatments from Spindle Design Co or custom made cushion covers, you have to ensure the styles you pick work for your theme. They need to set it off and bring things together, not disrupt the flow.

Don’t Deviate In Any Way

Above all else, always, always stick to the plan. Keep referring back to your mood board and even add to it if you need more inspiration. Although it’s tempting just to add something in that you love, regardless of whether it’s on theme or not. But that one small deviation can throw the theme off in one room. So stick to your theme and you should find that your interiors always look incredible.