A Simple Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To

A Simple Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To spray bottle yellow

Last Updated on July 11, 2018


When it comes to keeping your home clean, you’ve probably already got yourself into a regular system. Whether you tend to most of your big jobs on the same day, or you have set days to tackle certain tasks, you may often feel like you’re always cleaning. So, would you like to save time with your cleaning and also make sure that you’re doing everything as and when you should be? Because believe or not, there are set times and periods that certain things need cleaning. So if you want to make sure that your home is as clean as it should be, here’s a simple schedule that you should stick to.


First of all, there are certain tasks that you should aim to be doing on a daily basis. These are things that shouldn’t take you too long to do, but will definitely help to keep your home clean and hygienic. Cleaning your kitchen counters is something you need to be doing daily, and especially after each use. You should also do the same with any sponges or cleaning materials that you use daily too. Likewise, cleaning down the bathroom basins should ideally be done on a daily basis.


When it comes to your weekly jobs, there are set things that you should try to do to keep your home fresh. One of these is to wash all of your bedlinens, however, depending on your lifestyle, this could stretch to every two weeks. Cleaning your bathtub and toilet is also something to do on a weekly basis, and so is cleaning down your microwave – just to make sure it’s clean and bacteria free.

A Simple Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To



For your monthly tasks, things tend to get a little busier. These are the things that you’re going to want to do to make sure some of the more sensitive areas of your home are clean. First, the fridge. Cleaning your refrigerator is important if you want to keep your food pressure and avoid mold or bacteria growing. Then you’ve also got your drains to tackle with a unblocking cleaning product to keep them fresh. Lastly, you’ll want to give your windows a good clean too; or you can call a professional service such as Archer Window Cleaning to do the cleaning job for you.


Then there are the cleaning tasks that you’re going to need to tackle a few times a year. As the seasons change, you should always look to carry out a kind of spring clean. Conducting a deep clean around your home a few times a year can help to keep cobwebs away, and ensure that the entire place is hygienic and healthy. Every three months you should also look to wash your pillows, duvets, and pillow protectors too. The same goes for your curtains to bring some life back into them.


Finally, there are also the yearly projects that you’ll need to tick off too. These are often tasks that you will want to get done professionally. You’ll often find that a professional carpet cleaning company can bring your carpets back to life better than you can, and unless you’re skilled with a sweep, you’ll want a professional chimney sweeper to come in too.

Now that you’ve worked out when certain tasks need to be carried out, you should find that you can create a tailored cleaning schedule that is easier to follow and keeps your home in check.