Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Tips

The spring season typically symbolizes a fresh start and a new awakening. And as the weather gets warmer, you may be looking to take advantage of this time of year to breathe life into your home. Indeed, a lengthy winter season results in accumulated dust, cluttered rooms, and messy hallways. Spring is an excellent time to give your home a thorough facelift and to prepare for the lively summer season.

But how can you get started with spring cleaning? One glance at your home may cause all your motivation to fade away. But with a solid plan in place, you can navigate this seemingly mountainous task and turn your home back into a clean and neat space.

Here are 6 spring cleaning tips to help you get started on the right foot.

  1. Have an end goal in mind

Even before you begin de-cluttering your wardrobe or de-staining your kitchen, you should have an end goal for the home in mind. Whether your goal is to reclaim your garage (from piles of junk) or to rearrange your living room, having specific objectives will keep you motivated throughout the cleaning process.

It’s also a good idea to write these goals down and stick them in a visible part of the home.

  1. The key is to start early

A big mistake that many homeowners make is to wait until the last minute for spring cleaning. This is the easiest way to get nothing done. Don’t wait until the sun begins to shine to get started, as your summer schedule may consume all your free time.

A better strategy is to give yourself plenty of leeways to plan and execute your spring cleaning. Prepare a chronology of events over the span of a few weeks so you can easily remain on track. Tasks that you can mostly complete indoors should be done during the last few days of summer, while yard work can be saved for the first few days of spring.

  1. An apple a day will keep the doctor away

As you prepare your spring cleaning schedule, it’s important to be realistic. Don’t dedicate too many tasks for a single day, as you may end up throwing off your entire schedule. Spread out heavy tasks across multiple days so you can remain on schedule without breaking your back.

For example, if you’re looking to de-clutter your garage, give yourself a few days (or even a week) to get it done. Spreading out tasks will keep you motivated and on track with your spring cleaning goals.

Another idea is to start slowly and gradually tackle more time-consuming tasks. For example, when the weather is still cold, you may begin by simply sorting through your clothes and other household items. As it gets warmer outside, proceed to thoroughly scrub your kitchen and rearrange your living room. Starting slowly makes it easier to gradually get in the groove of things and establish a reliable routine.

  1. De-cluttering will make the cleaning process much easier

Your spring cleaning plan will be ineffective without de-cluttering. A lengthy winter season almost always causes people to clutter up their homes with clothes, furniture, and other items you may not need moving forward. However, establishing a de-cluttering plan can be complicated. How do you decide what to keep and what to get rid of?

Start by using the 3-box approach, where you label one box “to keep”, another “to get rid of” and another “undecided”. In this way, you don’t have to make immediate decisions regarding what to keep and what to get rid of. In the undecided box, you can revisit those items later and make individual choices as you finalize the cleaning process.

  1. Put some items in storage

Owing to clutter that can accumulate throughout the winter, be prepared to rent a storage unit. Some items may have sentimental value even if you don’t find them useful on a daily basis. Other items may also come in handy a few weeks down the line, and giving them away may cause you to regret later.

A storage unit bought at a discount from The Home Depot could help you determine which items are still valuable to you. If you find yourself visiting storage to retrieve something you stored 6 months ago, then you probably still need that box and you shouldn’t get rid of it. Other items can be gradually dumped or contributed to charity.

  1. Don’t forget about your health!

Most importantly, be mindful of the cleaning products you decide to use. Make sure all rooms have enough fresh air when cleaning so as to limit your exposure to harmful chemicals.

If you have young children or pets in the home, keep them a safe distance away from chemical cleaning agents at all times.


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