Four Steps to Caring for Your Hair After Dyeing It a Different Color

Four Steps to Caring for Your Hair After Dyeing It a Different Color

Even if you always visit a salon and have a professional stylist color your hair, it’s important to be aware of the damage that hair dyes can do to your locks.  If you color your hair or change hair colors on a regular basis, then it’s important to spend a little more time on your daily hair care routine to try and avoid as much damage as possible.

#1. Stick to Root Touch-Ups:

If there’s one thing that causes sure-fire damage to your hair fairly quickly, it’s changing your hair color a lot. A major hair color overhaul every few weeks or months is a lot of chemical processing for your hair to take. Although it can be hard to resist trying out all the amazing fall hair colors at, try to avoid switching colors too often. If you’re getting re-growth from the roots, visit your stylist for a quick root touch-up and color refresh – your hair will look brand new afterward.

#2. Have Regular Trims:

It may be a myth that having your hair cut regularly helps it to grow, but one thing’s for sure: a regular trim will ensure that your hair looks healthy and thick. Split ends can quickly wreak havoc with your hair, and colored, chemically processed hair tends to be more prone to them. If you avoid getting your hair trimmed, you could be doing even more damage – as split ends move up the hair, waiting longer means you’ll need to get more length cut off to put your hair right.

#3. Use Deep Conditioning Products:

Coloring your hair even infrequently can cause it to become drier and brittle, depending on your natural hair type. To keep your hair smooth and shiny, use a deep conditioning product on a regular basis. Around once per week is usually best, although more often is sometimes required for extra dry or damaged hair. The best deep conditioning products will usually cost you more to purchase from a salon, however, they’re certainly worth investing in. You can also use natural products such as coconut or olive oil.

#4. Take Care When Heat Styling:

Adding heat to the mix when styling your colored hair can cause even more damage if you’re not careful. Heat damaged hair tends to be dry, limp and brittle and will most likely need cutting off completely to be in with a hope of repairing your locks. To avoid this, try and keep any heat styling down to a minimum – you may want to consider gentler methods of styling your hair such as padded sleep curlers. If the style you want requires you to use a heated tool, be sure to create a protective barrier for your hair with a high-quality heat protection spray. You can also find some heat styling tools that have a ‘damaged hair’ setting to ensure that you’re not turning the temperature up too high.

Coloring your hair can create all kinds of amazing results. But, it can also cause a lot of damage. Take extra care of your colored hair to keep it healthy and glowing.


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