It’s The Small Things

lighting lamps for home

Image from Pixabay

Have you been working under the assumption that decor choices are all you need to achieve the home you want? You aren’t alone in that. Many of us assume that decor holds the answers. And it does, in a way. But, are we asking the right questions? Decor is far from the complete package. It may make a space look great, but it doesn’t give it the edge that so many of us are after. In fact, if you only focus on decor, you made end up with rooms that look, dare we say it…flat. So, how do you make a home pop into 3D? Well, we have an idea, and it starts by sweating the small stuff.


Have you ever taken the time to consider the lighting in your home? If you’re anything like most of us, then the answer is no. Our lack of concern about our lighting choices makes no sense. Your lights quite literally illuminate your rooms. If you’re illuminating it in the wrong way, how can you expect it to look its best? If you’ve never considered getting creative with your light sources before, head to a company like, who focus on lights with a difference. Remember that you don’t have to stick to the traditional, uninspiring options. Instead, step outside the box and see what you find there. As well as thinking about a different type of light, it’s worth thinking about the intensity you want in each room. Stark lighting may look good sometimes, but do you want cold lights blaring while you’re relaxing? Reach a compromise by looking into dimmer switches, or even investing in lamps.


You may have painted your walls an excellent color, but bare walls are still uninspiring. What do those blank spaces say about you? Not good things, that’s for sure. To help you create a tasteful space, get creative on your walls. What better way to inject yourself into space than hanging personal photographs? Find some beautiful frames and pick out photos that mean the most to you. Or, are you an arty person? It may be that you want to paint some pictures to hang. You could even hang prints of your favorite art pieces. You may want one or two statement pieces or a collage of quite a few. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something that injects a bit of you into your home.
home couch table and chairs

Image from Pexels


The most obvious way to inject life into a space is to accessorize. In the same way that accessories complete an outfit, they could complete your home. Add those finishing touches to your sofa by stocking up on cushions. Look for designs that say something about you, or that tie in with the rest of your design choices. You could also stock up on throws, like those found at These additions offer the perfect chance to add life to an otherwise lifeless space. They’re sure to make the place come alive!


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