5 Tips for Alleviating Seasonal Allergy Symptoms


Seasonal allergies can be frustrating conditions to deal with. While generally not dangerous conditions, they can make you feel awful and impatient for allergy season to end. Here are five tips for alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms.

1. Utilize Humidifiers

Some people find that their allergies make their mucus membranes feel dry and uncomfortable. Others may irritate their noses with tissues and nasal sprays. You can use humidifiers and steam to moisten the air in your home and reduce irritation and dryness. There are many options when it comes to humidifying your living space. Whole-house humidifiers, warm and cool mist humidifiers, and ultrasonic humidifiers can all be useful. You can also take hot showers or breathe in steam from the water in a mug or bowl.

2. Take Medication

While there is no cure for seasonal allergies, there are many medical options available to you to deal with the symptoms. You can try over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and medications that combine the two. You can also use saline or medicated nasal sprays that can reduce your symptoms or calm inflammation in your nostrils. For post-nasal drip and an irritated throat, try cough drops. If you have serious or debilitating symptoms, talk to your doctor about prescription allergy medications.

3. Avoid Allergy Triggers

One of the best things you can do to alleviate allergy symptoms is to avoid triggers as much as you can. If possible, you should get tested to see what types of pollen and other seasonal allergy triggers you’re allergic to and then work with your doctor to develop a solid plan for avoiding them. Strategies can involve monitoring pollen counts and weather reports so you can stay indoors when allergen levels are high, avoiding activities or chores that can cause exposure to allergens and rinsing yourself off and changing your clothes when you come home from being outside.

4. Rinse Out Your Sinuses

Many allergy sufferers complain about symptoms such as clogged sinuses and post-nasal drip. To relieve these symptoms, you can try rinsing out your nasal passages and sinuses with devices such as neti pots, rinse kits, or nasal bulbs. If you carefully follow the directions on these devices, you can successfully flush out your nasal passages to clean and thin mucus, temporarily removing allergens and irritants and easing symptoms.

5. Wear Face Masks Outdoors

Another good way to lessen your exposure to seasonal allergens is to wear a face mask outdoors, particularly when you’re out at a time or in an area where allergens are more likely to affect you, such as a hike on a dry, windy morning. Look for high-quality, tightly woven masks that are meant to keep particles such as pollen out. These will help reduce the number of allergens that get into your mucus membranes and cause allergic reactions, thus reducing the severity of your symptoms.

Some of these methods for dealing with allergies can be safely used in conjunction with each other while others shouldn’t mix. You should always discuss seasonal allergy treatment with your doctor before trying any alleviation methods on your own.


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