Warning Signs of Workplace Toxic Exposure 

Warning signs of toxic workplace exposure 

When it comes to toxic exposure in the workplace, knowing the early warning signs can save your life in the long run. A small amount of exposure may not have an effect on you initially, but continuing to stay in that environment can cause a lot of health problems. 

There are various types of exposures, and each toxic substance is different from the other. Therefore, the symptoms vary as well. However, there are certain common signs that occur in almost all cases. If you experience these signs, you must contact an attorney for toxic exposure in Jersey City

Warning signs of toxic workplace exposure 

  • Migraines. 

Migraines are some of the most common early appearing signs. Even continued exposure to low levels of chemicals can start to cause headaches soon after being in the exposed area. Some patients also report complaints of experiencing sudden headache syndromes that last for several months. Exposure can take place from the air, food, and water. It can cause other side effects like an upset stomach or nausea. 

  • Eye and skin irritation. 

Eye and skin irritation have been observed to occur after exposure to various types of chemicals. In areas with high levels of toxicity, you may experience eye and skin irritation shortly after entering the space. Lower levels of toxicity may cause discomfort initially. Rubbing your eyes with your fingers which are exposed to substances, can cause significant damage. Continued exposure can cause permanent injuries in the eye. 

  • Respiratory irritation. 

Severe or continued exposures can cause various respiratory issues. Other side effects include burning and pain in the voice box, ears, throat, sinuses, chest, and lungs. If left untreated, these conditions are manifest into serious illnesses. It is important to seek medical attention right away when you start experiencing minor symptoms. 

  • Coordination and concentration issues. 

Toxic chemicals and substances that you breathe through your nose can transfer to your brain, which can then cause issues in coordination and concentration. These two things are crucial in a workplace setting, and exposure to toxicity can hamper your job performance. This can not only make you sick but increase your chances of getting fired. Some symptoms may include difficulty breathing, dizziness, numbness in limbs, balance, and coordination issues. 

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. 

Inhaling tiny toxic particles can expose your internal organs to harmful substances that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms. This mainly occurs through lead poisoning, causing inflammation of the esophagus and stomach. You can identify the symptoms as acid-reflux types. 

If you experience health issues after joining a new workplace or setting, it might be because of toxic exposure. If you are confused, seek medical attention, and your doctor may be able to tell you the cause of the issues. Contact a toxic exposure attorney in Jersey City today. 


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