4 Clever Bed Ideas to Complement Your Small Bedroom Layout

small bedroom layout

If you live in a home with a small bedroom layout, then you’re going to have to be very careful about the furniture that you buy. Considering that you’ll spend around thirty-three years of your life asleep, it stands to reason that you shouldn’t sacrifice when it comes to your bed.

From daybeds, trundles, Murphy beds, and rollaway beds, there’s bound to be a small-space bed that will perfectly suit your bedroom. And these kinds of beds aren’t just for small spaces. Minimalists who want more open layouts and spacious rooms will also benefit from these clever small bed ideas.

The kind of bed you choose will be determined by several factors. These include your budget, your tastes, and what kind of functionality you want out of your bed.

Interested in learning more? Continue reading and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know.

1. Daybed

It’s true that beds can take up a lot of space. Still, you’re going to find it very difficult to live your best life if you simply decide to not have a bed in your home because you want to save on space. If you live in a small studio apartment, then you want to make the most of your little space.

When you purchase a daybed, it can also double as a couch when you’re not trying to sleep on it. There are many daybeds out there that are sleek as well as versatile. This type of bed can work with just about any modern design concept.

Even better, you can pick the mattress that you find most comfortable. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your daybed will fit your specific needs.

If you aren’t sure if you should get a daybed or not, you should take a look at your bedroom. If you’re looking to commit to modern-day minimalism, then you should consider the daybed. Remember, the daybed can also double as a sofa so you save on space, money, and extra furniture.

You also have a wide space for relaxing and sitting during waking hours because most daybeds come with a backboard that runs the entire length of the bed.

This feature is super useful when you live in a small bedroom or a studio apartment.

2. Rollaway Bed

A rollaway bed is a type of bed that’s made up of a metal frame that you place a foam mattress on. The metal frame is sturdy and is meant to fold into itself so that you can store it in your closet.

And it’s called a rollaway bed because the metal frame comes with coasters or wheels at the center. This makes it easier to move the bed around after it’s been folded up.

Although you can fold a rollaway bed, you want to make sure that you know where you’re going to store it before you buy one. And even though many people get these types of beds for their guests, they can also work well in small bedrooms.

The size of a rollaway bed varies by design. Some rollaway beds are meant to act like sofa beds when they’re not being used. Because of this, it can be fairly large.

A typical rollaway bed is only meant to be a bed. It can typically fit underneath a normal bed after it’s been folded.

3. Trundle Bed

A trundle bed is usually a twin-size frame that’s under another bed. It’s usually on wheels and is also low to the ground. However, there are also full-size trundle beds out there. The lower bed is usually thinner than a normal mattress so that it’s easier to pull out and to store.

A trundle bed setup allows you to have an extra bed without having to take up any more space. You can easily pull out this lower bed whenever you need extra space. After you pull the lower bed out, you can sometimes pop it up to get it higher up.

If you’re someone who has a lot of overnight guests, or you have children who hold a lot of sleepovers, then you may want to consider getting a trundle bed.

To make it clear, a trundle bed is a two-in-one bed design. This means that it includes two twin mattresses that are meant to hold two people. A daybed, on the other hand, is a kind of couch that’s designed for both sleeping and sitting.

A trundle, unlike a daybed, can sleep more than one person.

4. Murphy Bed

Most people know about Murphy beds through slapstick comedies and silly cartoons. However, Murphy beds are also extremely practical and useful bed setups, especially when living in a small space.

Murphy beds fold into your wall. This allows you to have a much more open floor plan when you’re not using the bed. These beds are easy to use and, as opposed to what those old cartoons might make you think, they’re extremely safe too.

Which of These Clever Bed Ideas Will You Use for Your Small Bedroom Layout?

As we can see, there are many varied and stylish types of beds that you can use for your small bedroom layout. And among these types of beds are a wide number of different styles and sizes. So make sure to decide what you want out of your bed and how you think it can fit with the rest of your home’s aesthetic.

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