A New Med for Complicated Urinary Tract Infections is Allowed For The Use

Complicated Urinary Tract Infections

Have you ever heard about the drug called Recarbrio? Well, if you have never had any kind of complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, this relatively new antibacterial medication was recently approved by the FDA as one of the most effective in the fight against UTIs and intra-abdominal infections (IAIs).

What is so special about Recarbrio? First of all, it is a compounded drug based on 3 active components mixed in a perfect proportion to deliver powerful pain relief from pain and other symptoms caused by UTIs or intra-abdominal disorders.

Secondly, it has a quite low side effects profile. This medication consists of really effective chemical components – imipenem, cilastatin, and sulbactam. Such a powerful combo gives a chance to treat even the most complicated cases of UTIs and IAIs. What is interesting – all three drugs have been already approved and prescribed separately but together they manage to deliver the more intensive and risk-free treatment.

The new medication was evaluated based on the results of multiple vitro-trials and animal studies. The safety profile of Recarbrio was proved by 2 separate studies, including over 600 patients with severe UTIs and IAIs. According to the researchers’ patients who were taking Recarbrio pills over a few days experienced such adverse reactions:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Headaches;
  3. Fever;
  4. An increased amount of liver enzymes;
  5. Poor bowel syndrome, like gases or diarrhea;

Important fact: Recarbrio can’t be used by people who have recently taken Ganciclovir for the seizure treatment.

Right now Recarbrio pills are marked with QIDP (the labels means – qualified infectious disease product). You may check their availability in Canadian Pharmacy finospharmacy.com that offers hundreds of daily deals on the most popular, new medications. You won’t find lower prices anywhere else.

The FDA-approved uses of Recarbrio pills:

  • Infections of the lower respiratory tract;
  • Skin infections;
  • UTIs, IAIs, and different genital bacterial infections;
  • Septicemia;
  • Bone and joint infections;
  • Bacterial infections of soft tissues;
  • Infectious endocarditis;
  • Mixed infection;
  • Prevention of postoperative complications;

Antibiotics for the treatment of UTIs

Every UTI is a bacterial infection. The treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor is the fastest and most effective way to treat such infections. Antibiotics are especially recommended for women suffering from frequent cases of UTI. Long antibiotic courses will help prevent relapses and nasty outcomes.

The most prescribed antibiotics for UTI treatment: 

  • Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Azithromycin;

Important: to get rid of UTI and its possible consequences, complete a whole course of antibiotics prescribed by your healthcare provider. Usually, such treatment takes up to 7 days of the daily intake of antibiotics.

The majority of UTI symptoms usually disappear after 3 days from the start of taking antibiotics, the infection in the urethra usually disappears only on the 5th day. If you stop taking antibiotics before the treatment ends, they will not be able to completely kill any of the above-listed infections. If your symptoms do not disappear after taking all prescribed antibiotics, or after a few days you will not feel better, consult a healthcare provider.

Be aware of possible complications. When severe UTIs happen some serious complications are possible – like kidney failure or toxemia (blood poisoning). They are quite rare and usually affect people with existing health problems, like diabetic patients. If you have a weakened immune system, you will be more prone to complications and infections.

Pregnant women with UTIs have an increased risk of life-threatening complications, so a doctor should always examine them. Men with repeated UTIs may develop inflammation of the prostate, also known as prostatitis.

How to cease the development of UTI besides taking the special pills?

Recarbrio and its components are good but UTI is a nasty disorder that requires some adjustment and life changes, in a case, you have this diagnosis on a regular basis. These recommendations include:

  • Rest and drink plenty of water;
  • Do not have sexual intercourse while having UTI therapy. You can bring new bacteria to the sensitive area and reduce the chances of complete recovery;
  • Take Ibuprofen for pain relief in combination with other drugs;
  • Do not use lotions, massage oils as lubricants on your genitalia. Chemical ingredients can increase the risks of more complicated UTIs;
  • Use a heating pad to reduce discomfort. Although a hot water bottle will not cure UTI, it can alleviate the symptoms of the infection. The heating pad should be warm, but not too hot, and should be applied to the lower abdomen to relieve pain, pressure, and other discomforts usually associated with UTIs.
  • Cranberry juice and pills will temporarily ease the pain, but UTI may worsen anyway. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water (240 ml) and drink. Then one hour later, drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon. Taking such drinks every other hour will help to soothe bladder’s spasms and associated pain;

Make sure to visit a doctor as soon as you have noticed the first signs of UTI. Also, inform all your sexual partners to be checked because some UTIs are extremely viral. 


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