Save the Date (And Costs)! How to Choose Affordable Wedding Invitations You’ll Love

Save the Date (And Costs)! How to Choose Affordable Wedding Invitations You'll Love

In America, the average wedding costs almost $34,000. With that kind of money, it can seriously set you back, especially if you want to go on a nice honeymoon or make serious purchases in the near future (like a down payment on a house or car).

For most people, you only get married once, so of course, you deserve to splurge a little. But there are ways to cut down costs so you don’t go broke. If your special day is coming up, here are some ways to pick affordable wedding card and save money for your honeymoon instead!

Consider the Paper Type

It may not seem like much, but the type of paper you choose will heavily influence how much you pay for your invites. For example, the most expensive type of paper is 100% cotton, which gives an elegant feel (and it costs around $0.60 per sheet). Choosing matte and shiny papers can bump up the price tag too.

To slash your costs, consider kraft card stock or brown recycled paper. These can cost as low as $0.15 per sheet, which is a bargain when compared to 100% cotton.

Consider the Print Type

For the fanciest of invites, you can choose the type of printing. The most expensive are engraved and letterpress, which gives the words on your cards a 3D look.

If the type of printing doesn’t matter much to you, you should pick offset (or flat) printing. This is the least expensive option while still keeping your wedding invitations classy.

Design Your Own Invitations

This is a great idea if you want to put a personal touch on your wedding invitations. There are free programs like Adobe Spark where you can create save the date cards online. Choose from tons of templates and edit them to make them your own.

The best part about this idea is you can either print out these cards to send by mail or send digital copies to save some cash. In this digital age, people won’t mind receiving your wedding invitations by email instead of snail mail. In fact, they probably prefer it!

Go Completely DIY

If you have the time, you can completely DIY your wedding invitations as an ultimate money-saving strategy. Go to your local arts and crafts store to look at their stock paper and other items, such as stickers, ribbons, envelopes, etc.

When you pick up the items and create your cards entirely from scratch, there’s so much you don’t have to pay for. If you handwrite each card, that’s even more savings. Plus, when you send out the cards, your guests will get something truly unique!

Affordable Wedding Invitations Are Doable

Whether you want to invite 10 people or 100, affordable wedding invitations are definitely feasible. Not only can you choose something more unique, but you can add some personal touches that your guests are sure to appreciate.

If you need more help with your big day, then please check out our wedding planning articles section.


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