What Does a Home Warranty Cover?


A home warranty is a form of insurance that covers homeowners for the costs of common repairs in applicants and systems within their properties. Although home warranties aren’t mandatory by law, they are popular among homeowners because of the financial protection that they provide. Many homeowners enjoy having peace of mind knowing that their home appliances and systems are covered.

 Finding the Best Home Warranty

When you purchase a new or pre-owned home, you will be offered a home warranty plan alongside your home insurance policy. However, before you accept the warranty, it’s important to determine what is covered by the policy. You may have already decided that you want a home warranty. But this doesn’t mean that you need to accept the plan offered as part of your home insurance policy. There are plenty of reputable home warranty providers, such as American Home Shield. Each company offers a selection of policies, each of which has different levels of coverage and limitations. Doing your own research and comparing multiple home warranties providers ensures you get the best deal. You’ll be able to find a policy that offers all of the coverage that you need and want.

 What Does a Home Warranty Cover?

Every home warranty covers slightly different things but there are a lot of similarities between policies. Generally, a home warranty covers the costs of repairs associated with:

Fire damage

Water damage


Fault electrics

Plumbing repairs

Appliance repairs

Before you sign up for a warranty, you should always check exactly what is and isn’t covered by the policy. Never assume that your policy offers full coverage. The last thing you want is to end up paying for a hefty repair out of your own pocket when you expected your warranty provider to cover the costs! If you’re not sure what is covered by a specific policy, give the company a call and speak to a member of the customer service team. They should be able to provide a detailed breakdown of the exact items and systems that are covered by a specific policy that they have available. If you prefer to have peace of mind knowing that most things in your home are financially protected by a warranty, you’ll want to choose a full coverage plan. However, you should expect to pay more money for a higher level of coverage. 

Should You Get a Home Warranty?

You can keep your home in good shape with a warranty. It enables you to access top-quality technicians who can repair or replace your home appliances and systems quickly. You won’t have to do any of your own research to find a general technician and you won’t need to wait for one to become available to visit your home. However, home warranties are a legal obligation. You might prefer to take the risk and pay for your home repairs by yourself. If you’re happy to do your own research and find the best repair technicians in your area, you may not think it’s worth getting your home covered by a warranty.


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