Procedures for Sinus Surgeries


Sinuses are a series of cavities around the nasal passages. Sinus cavities are located behind your nose, forehead, and eyes, and most people have a total of eight. Sometimes your sinus system can have issues like thickened lining, growths, or recurrent infections. You can also be born with a sinus abnormally shaped, and all these problems cause breathing difficulties. Your doctor can use medications or Surprise sinus surgery to treat or improve your sinus conditions. If your doctor recommends sinus surgery as the best treatment for your situation, you can go through the following procedures.


A week before your sinus surgery, avoid over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and aspirin. If you have a cardiac stent, you should not be off your prescription for a prolonged period. Your surgeon can recommend how long you should not take the drugs. You can wash out the sinus passage with a saline spray before surgery.


There are two commonly used surgical procedures, which include:

Endoscopy: This procedure involves your doctor administering local anesthesia to numb the nose area. The doctor then inserts thin and flexible devices known as endoscopes into your nose. One of these instruments has a tiny camera lens that sends images to a screen. The pictures will enable your doctor to see where your sinuses are blocked. The camera also allows the doctor to guide instruments to remove polyps or scar tissue in your nostrils.

Balloon sinuplasty: You qualify for balloon sinuplasty if your doctor does not need to remove any substance from your sinuses. It is a newer type of surgery that involves your doctor inserting a thin tube into your nose with a small balloon attached to one end. The doctor will guide the balloon to the blocked area in your nose and inflate it. The balloon will aid clear the passage for your sinuses to drain better and prevent congestion.


You can go back home the same day after the surgery. Arrange for someone to take you home after the procedure as you cannot drive yourself. Ensure you follow after-care guidelines from your doctor for the proper healing of your sinuses. Take a rest for about five days before you resume your regular activities. Avoid activities that can elevate your blood pressure, like running and weight lifting, until you get clearance from your specialist.

You may need to take precautions like sleeping with your head raised for some days. An extra pillow can help boost your head appropriately. Avoid blowing your nose for a week or more. Keep your mouth open when sneezing to help take some pressure off your nasal activities. You should see improvements a few days after your surgery.

Additionally, your doctor can prescribe pain relievers and corticosteroids during the recovery process. Avoid over-the-counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen since they can interfere with your blood pressure. Keep your sinuses passage clear with a saline spray immediately after the surgical process. The spray prevents blood crusts from forming and blocking your sinuses during healing.

However, sinus surgery does not cure sinusitis in all cases but can help improve your symptoms. Your doctor can recommend you continue with medications. Schedule an appointment at Oasis Ear, Nose and Throat for sinus surgery to treat respiratory conditions.


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