The Best Red Deer Dentist For Dentures Care


When you receive dentures that are designed to fit your mouth and your mouth only, amazing things can happen to your oral health. 

Dentures are a great solution to consider  if  you’re missing teeth. Not only will they help restore the aesthetic appearance of your smile, but the functionality of your teeth as well. And, despite what you believe or have been, dentures are not exclusive to any one population. People can lose teeth for several reasons, including aging, genetics, sports injuries, oral infections, illnesses, smoking, and other trauma. 

For more information about receiving dentures in Red Deer, get in touch with our local dental practice near you today! 

What are Dentures? 

A set of dentures is a prosthetic that’s specifically designed to fit the dimensions of your mouth. When you come in to receive dentures at a Red Deer dentist, impressions will be taken so that the device can be properly made. 

Our dental clinic in Red Deer offers several different types of dentures to accommodate all your needs. This includes complete dentures and partial dentures. 

As evident by its name, complete dentures are recommended when you’re missing all your teeth. They can be made and placed in your mouth immediately or, you may receive them at a later date if your gums need to heal beforehand. 

In comparison, partial dentures are a great option when you still have some of your natural teeth remaining. Partial dentures are also known as denture bridges. The device is kept in place by installing dental crowns on your neighboring teeth. 

In either case, the denture prosthetic is attached to a base that mimics your natural gums. 

The Process of Receiving Dentures Near You 

Typically, the process of receiving dentures requires a few different appointments. 

Before you undergo any type of dental treatment, however, be sure to book a consultation with your dentist. They’ll be able to identify whether this is the right process for your specific case. They’ll also walk you through the treatment from start to finish so you know what to expect. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let your dentist know. 

If your dentist deems it appropriate for you to receive dentures, you’ll come in for a comprehensive dental evaluation. They’ll examine the structure and health of your gums, which is done by taking x-rays. In some cases, your dentist may need to remove excess gum tissue or reshape certain bones so that the prosthetic will fit you snuggly. 

It’s also important to make sure that your bite and by extension, your jaw, is correctly aligned, seeing as the main purpose of dentures is to help you talk and chew better. 

Next, they’ll make a mold of your upper and lower gums. These are sent to a dental lab where your dentures are created. This may take a couple of weeks to complete. 

Once your dentures are ready, you’ll return to receive them. 

And there you are, a brand-new smile designed just for you! You’ll be able to treat them like you would your normal teeth and, it’ll boost your self-confidence at the same time! 

Do’s and Don’ts of Denture Care 

There are so many sources of information nowadays, that it can be difficult to know what to do and what not to do when it comes to caring for your dentures. To help you with this, here is a list of do’s and don’ts for you to keep in mind: 

1.Be gentle! 

Be gentle with your dentures and with yourself! Wearing and removing your dentures will most likely feel a bit strange the first few times you do it, and that’s normal. But you’ll get used to it in no time. 

Be careful when you’re handling them. Dropping your dentures may cause them to crack or break, especially if they’re dropped against hard surfaces. Fortunately, your dentures can be fixed if necessary. 

2.Brush and rinse your dentures every day! 

Just as bacteria and plaque can build up on your teeth, they can build up on your dentures too. Therefore, it’s important that you carve out a few moments to brush and rinse your dentures on a daily basis. This will help reduce stains from manifesting on your prosthetic and help them last longer. In addition, clean dentures have a hand in preserving your oral hygiene tool 

3.Don’t use regular toothpaste. 

It’s recommended that you use a special toothpaste designed for cleaning dentures as well as a soft-bristled toothbrush. If not, minor scratches may be left behind on your dentures where bacteria can amalgamate. 

4.Brush your teeth as you normally would.

Maintaining good habits like brushing after each meal remains one of the best and easiest ways to preserve your oral hygiene. When you’re missing teeth, be sure to thoroughly brush your gums; this will ensure that your dentures adhere to them better and don’t slip out of place. 

5.Remove them when you’re sleeping. 

Unless you’ve received permanent dentures or dental implants, it’s always good to give your mouth and jaw a break. Taking them out when you go to sleep is a good opportunity to do so. 

6.Keep your dentures moist. 

When you’re not wearing your dentures, such as when you’re headed to bed, be sure to drop them. In a glass of warm water. This action not only helps your dentures maintain their shape but is another measure to keep them clean. 

7.Come in for dental checkups. 

Coming in for biannual cleanings and checkups will help keep your oral health on track. Your dentist will be able to point out anything amiss or may require further care. This will helps save you time and money down the road. 

Are you looking for more information about dentures and denture care? Gaetz Dental is here to help guide you on your dental journey. Call or visit our website to schedule a consultation today. We look forward to working with you!


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