A Maintenance Checklist For Keeping Your Home In Perfect Shape

A Maintenance Checklist For Keeping Your Home In Perfect Shape
A Maintenance Checklist For Keeping Your Home In Perfect Shape


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It takes a lot of effort decorating a home and making it look beautiful. It’s important not to let all this hard work go to waste by failing to maintain it, though. If you regularly look after your home’s appliances and various systems, your house will look as good as new for much longer! So what should you be paying special attention to? Here’s a maintenance checklist of all the important things!

Air Conditioning

Check your air conditioning system is in working order during Spring. You won’t have been using it much through the winter, so you may not have realized if it is faulty. Spring is the best time to check before all the hot weather arrives in summer! All you need to do is turn on the system for a trial run. If anything seems to be wrong, simply call your local air conditioning repair company. They’ll be able to send out a handyman as soon as possible to get it working again for you!

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

I hope you have already kitted out your home with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors! They are such an important feature to help keep you and your family safe. Every quarter they need to be checked to make sure they’re still doing their job. Your detector will have a red button on it. Simply press this button. If the alarm goes off for a few seconds, it is working fine. If not, you need to change the batteries. If this doesn’t make a difference, you will need to buy a new one.

Spring Clean

Strictly speaking, this may not be a form of maintenance, but spring cleaning helps you keep your house all sparkly and fresh! Get the whole family to help you out. More hands make light work! Deep clean your carpets, get right to the back of your oven for a scrub, and make sure there is not a speck of dust left anywhere. You want every single nook and cranny to be spotless!


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Check Your Paintwork

How is the exterior of your house doing? Check this once a year to see if it needs another coat of paint. The brickwork could even do with some pointing or plastering in places. It is also a good idea to check at the foundations for any cracks. If you aren’t too sure what to look for, call out a builder. It will take him no time at all to check over things. Then you can relax, safe in the knowledge that your brickwork and outside walls are fine for one more year!

Weed The Garden

You should also put your green fingers to use! Especially in the springtime. Get rid of any weeds and sow some new seeds. If you create a gorgeous, blooming garden, you’ll be more likely to use it in the summer! Why not even think about buying some pretty garden furniture and decorations?

Hopefully, this checklist will help you with your home maintenance. Don’t forget to check your house over to keep it at its best!


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