7 Great Overhead Garage Shelving Ideas with In Your Budget

Overhead Garage Shelving Ideas
Image credit - https://imagesource.io/images/overhead-garage-shelving-ideas-in-budget/

Garages are most commonly used as storage space. Items you don’t want inside the house or are not much used or seasonal land there. However, having everything cluttered on the garage floor can be messy, hazardous, and chaotic. Not to mention possible water damage if ever your garage is flooded. To help with this and to help organize muddled storage spaces, overhead garage shelving ideas within your budget are a great way. 

Here are some cost-effective overhead garage shelving ideas. 

  1. Overhead Racks

The most common and most effective way is to build or install double-duty overhead garage storage racks or a storage system. It keeps heavy and bulky items off the ground saving from damage and decluttering your space. Compound storage systems can be expensive; however, many DIY designs with wood exist, and you can build them up yourself. Just make sure the structure is sturdy enough to handle the weight of your items.

2. Motorized Shelves

Many equipment or heavy tools need to be off the floor to prevent damage and so are ideal items for overhead storage units; however, they are too heavy for you to lift there and maybe too heavy for your storage unit to hold them. For that, there are trusted motorized shelves that come up and down with the press of a button and lift the burden off your shoulders, literally. Smartphone apps even control some for more convenience. 

3. Hoist Systems

A very nifty overhead shelving idea is to hoist some of your items and let them dangle from the wall. The most popular use of this kind of shelving is for bikes that can be lifted through cables attached to a pulley and left there, preventing damage and creating more space.

4. Corner Racks

These are another form of overhead storage shelves, however, in the corner of your garage. This way, they make better use of available space and have more storage and stow-away capacity. These may be a bit more expensive; however, if you feel like you have a lot of stuff to put away and enough space, this is a good investment in your garage storage’s long-term organization and maintenance.

5. DIY Racks

There are many DIY overhead shelves, from simple line racks to wall-fixed boxes and overhead hanging racks. Most of these structures are simple to construct and can be installed with relative ease. You need to ensure you have suitable materials to hold up your stuff and not overburden your homemade storage systems.

6. Hanging Storage

Many shelves make use of cables and wires to hang from ceilings. This is especially true for garages with an angled or slopy celling. These can be adjusted to the slope to keep the things leveled at all times. 

7. Hooks

One of the most versatile ideas is to install different forms of hooks and wedges and brackets. These can hang tools, suspend ladders, hang fishing poles, and a wide assortment of other lightweight and smaller tools and items. 

The idea you choose will depend on the available space and your usage. All the ideas presented here are extremely budget-friendly and will solve your issue of storage.  



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