Furnishing Your Home: Skimp or Spend

Furniture Buying Guide

Whether you’re looking to redecorate or you’re moving into your first home, deciding what to buy can be overwhelming. Your budget isn’t uncapped; decisions have to be made. Knowing what items you can skimp on and what you should spend a little more on could be very useful.

Because of the expense and limited budget of your decorating endeavor, make a list of items you need right away and what you can hold off on buying. Take time to visualize what you want your home to look like. Do you think of your bedroom as your sanctuary? Do you envision custom furniture in your domain?  Is there a certain look or style you hope to achieve? What rooms will you spend the most time in? What will you be doing in those rooms? These are all questions you should answer before trying to figure out which furniture is right for your space. 


When most people think of relaxing after work, they see themselves comfy on their sofa and unwinding from their day. Your home is the one place you should always be comfortable. It is your respite from all the stressors on the other side of the door. For these and other reasons, your sofa is a piece of furniture you don’t want to skimp on.

A sofa is also the main focal point of the room. All other decor is built around coordinating with and accenting your focal point. This is also a piece of furniture that should last for several years. In order to make sure you get the expected durability, be prepared to spend a little more.

Another initial investment that you shouldn’t skimp on is the entertainment center. This is where your television and other electronic devices are kept. This should be a durable investment that you can expect to last. Because it doesn’t have the daily wear and tear that other furniture endures, it will probably outlast even your sofa. 

You will spend about 1/3 of your life in bed. Restful sleep is essential for good mental and physical health. The benefits of a good night’s sleep have been proven time and again. For all of these reasons, you should never consider a substandard quality bed or mattress. Quality typically comes at a higher price, so don’t be afraid to spend the necessary money to get the rest you need. 


Not everything has to be top of the line for your home to be well decorated, inviting, and chic. Lighting, for example, can be very costly. But why spend hundreds of dollars on a crystal chandelier when you can pick up one made of acrylic that will look the same? Spend smartly, not extravagantly. 

Having a quality and expensive bed doesn’t mean you have to also have luxurious, high thread count sheets. You will sleep just as well in 400 thread count sheets as you will with 3,000. Save the added expense and look forward to upgrading down the line when such a purchase is in line with your budget.

Accent pieces such as rugs and artwork are also items you don’t want to spend top dollar on. By definition, they are accents to your focal points, not the main attraction. Accent decor also doesn’t have to withstand the wear and tear as other items, so durability and quality are not of the essence.

When decorating your home, there is no reason why it can’t look like a million dollars without your even coming close to spending a fraction of that. Arming yourself with the knowledge of where you can skimp and where you should spend a little more is the key to decorating your home without breaking the bank. 


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