A Beginner’s Guide to Coffee for Weight Loss: Everything to Know

coffee for weight loss

If you’re trying to lose weight but you just can’t live without your morning cup of coffee, you’re in luck. The average cup of black coffee only contains two calories according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Whereas a diet can easily get thrown off track is when sugar, heavy creams, and syrups get added.

If you’re worried about drinking coffee for weight loss, this guide has everything you need to know to keep your diet on track. We’ll go over the different types of coffee and how to safely incorporate coffee into your weight loss strategy. Hint, you can go ahead and pour that second cup.

Types of Coffee

Black coffee alone is essentially just water and ground coffee beans. If you’re racking up calories from your hot daily habit, you may not realize how many calories things like heavy creamers and sugar can add.

The best coffee creamer for weight loss is made from coconut oil instead of dairy. A creamer that actually helps to add some nutrients into your diet instead of just calories is a game-changer.

Let’s say you get a blended espresso drink from a coffee shop that is topped with whipped cream. Heavy whipping cream contains 400 calories per half a cup according to Health Line.

Coffee and an Increased Metabolic Rate

Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants trigger adrenaline in your body and help to boost energy levels. It’s no wonder people worldwide choose coffee to start their day.

Caffeine can also stimulate your nervous system. This sends signals to your fat cells telling them to break down fat.

What Else is a Source of Caffeine?

If caffeine is to blame for sleep problems or other health concerns, think about other sources of caffeine in your diet. Some surprising sources of caffeine are ice cream, chocolate, headache medicine, PMS medication, breakfast cereals, and hot chocolate.

If you’re wondering if coffee or calorie-heavy whipped coffee drinks are hurting your weight loss or sleep patterns, you should try to limit caffeine in the evenings.

Trouble sleeping or a lack of sleep can also contribute to weight gain and low energy levels. When to drink coffee is an important question to ask yourself. Even decaf coffee contains some trace amounts of caffeine so watch what you drink before bed.

Incorporating Coffee for Weight Loss

When it comes to using coffee for weight loss, there is some science behind the idea that caffeine helps you lose weight. Some people also feel their appetite is suppressed when they drink coffee.

The bottom line is drinking black coffee or coffee with natural ingredients added, won’t ruin your diet. Instead, healthy creamers and natural sugars can help to keep your favorite morning ritual, low in calories. For more healthy tips and recipes, check out the lifestyle section.


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