Earth Day 2020 – How Covid-19 Pandemic Is Helping Nature

earth day

April 22 marks World Earth Day and this year people have collectively paid more attention to mother nature and how it is healing itself. Ever since the COVID-19 lockdown began, there has been plenty of ways it has benefited the environment. Here, we will take a look at a few ways how this pandemic has been a boon for the earth while its creating havoc for human lives.

Taking a look at the brighter side of Earth Day 2020

Even since the coronavirus pandemic has led to a lockdown for humans, animals have been using the opportunity to step out! People have been sharing several images and videos where wild animals have been seen walking in the cities or swimming closer to the beaches. Let us look at the brighter side of how COVID-19 pandemic is helping animals and nature to breathe freely:

Whales playing by the Mediterranean coast

Two whales were filmed playing together just off the Mediterranean coast in southern France. It was an uncommon sight to see around the busy port city of Marseilles.

Fin whales near Calanques National Park

Two fin whales were seen near the Calanques National Park by park patrol. The Board Head of the park, Didier Reault, reported that it was a rare sight to see fin whales come that close to the shore. Due to less human water activity, the mammals are wanting to reach out to the places they don’t usually explore.

Mountain goats in Llandudno

A herd of mountain goats was roaming around on the streets of Llandudno in Wales. A video surfaced online showing how they were freely walking around and it garnered millions of views.

Monkey in Lopburi Plaza

A swarm of monkeys came down to the Lopburi Plaza in Thailand recently. The monkeys stay in Phra Prang Sam Yot monkey temple and are fed by visitors. Since they did not have regular visitors anymore, they came down in search of food.

Macaques in Thailand

Similar to the monkeys in Thailand, macaques came down to the town to search for food. Since the pandemic started increasing from February, the drop of Chinese travelers in Thailand fell by 85% in that month itself.

Deer from Nara

Ever since Japan levied coronavirus restrictions, they saw deer coming out to the streets from a park in Nara. They are also fed by tourists who visit the park. Deer were spotted walking around the streets and were caught eating potted plants from patios. Some of them were even wandering in the halls of a subway station to look for food.

Wild turkeys in Oakland

A group of wild turkeys ventured into the campus of an elementary school in Oakland. Classes were already canceled due to the outbreak, so the children were safe at home.

Coyote sightings in US cities

Several parts of the US have reported to hear coyotes prowl or walk around the empty streets in search of food.

Flamingos in Mumbai

On Earth Day itself, more than a lac of flamingos have been seen to migrate to Mumbai, India. The citizens have not seen anything like this before and a viral video has left entire India in awe of its beauty.

Wild boars in Italy

Italy was one of the places to share the first reports of how wild boars have been roaming around in the cities. The waters in Venice have cleared up so much that fishes and swans might start swimming in them again and breathe freely.

Although the fact that animals are having to come down to the cities to look for food is not something to be delighted about. However, the fact that they have more space than they used to is great. We must all have coexisting space in order to maintain harmony and ecological balance.

Positive impact of coronavirus on nature

Here are some of the ways nature is healing itself while humans couldn’t help it:

Less air pollution

Recently, the people in the city Jalandhar, Punjab got a clear view of the Himalayas. They haven’t seen the Himalayas from their hometown for decades. Due to less pollution, the skies are clearer and the stars are shining brighter in the night. The capital city Delhi, India, has reported fresh air to breathe. A few months back people had to wear air-purifying masks because the city was highly polluted.

Less noise

Even though noise pollution isn’t what most of us take seriously, quieter surroundings are helping our mental health. The cities are free from their regular hustle-bustle and giving people time to reconsider and heal as well.

Clearer waters

Recently, images from a religious ceremony in Delhi, India made headlines across the world. It is performed in waters of river Yamuna which was foaming due to chemical waste. A couple of days back, pictures of the same river surfaced online and it was much cleaner and clearer. Be it canals in Venice or waters of Yamuna, there is a huge change happening right now.

What can we do for Earth Day 2020?

The COVID-19 pandemic is making us think about a lot of things we took for granted in our lives earlier. From meeting best friends to eating at our favorite restaurants, there are so many things we want to do right now. When live goes back to being normal, we must understand how much we took nature for granted as well.

To make Earth Day 2020 fruitful, you must make a few commitments towards improving nature as well. From taking small steps like buying plants for your home to going out and planting trees, there are many things we can do.

It is important to take small measures to not contribute to pollution. If we can rectify our mistakes at an induvial level, our small changes can make a huge difference. It is time we give mother nature the importance it deserves and pray that we get over this pandemic situation soon.


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