Protecting Your Smile with A basketball Mouthguard


Basketball being one of the aggressive games needs to be strongly considered when it comes to safety. Lack of protection may lead to serious dental injuries that you may wish to have avoided beforehand. Some of the common oral injuries in basketball game include chipped teeth, cracked teeth, broken teeth, tooth intrusion, and roots fracture.

Dental injuries, knee sprain, and bone fractures are a part of any aggressive sports, especially those similar to basketball. Only a mouthguard can help you avoid the dental injurs ieat a larger extent. Ask your dentist and he will discuss why it is important medically.

5 reasons why protecting your smile is important with a basketball mouthguard:

  1. Mouth guards safeguard your teeth and jawbone:

Basketball is a physical combat game and it may lead to several injuries that you can easily avoid. One blow on the mouth may either fracture your roots or cause serious injury to your jawbone.

Mouthguards perform the role of a protective shield for your mouth and prevents unexpected injuries. You can check different types of mouth guard on and protect your smile.

  1. Prevention of mouth injury and surgery:

As per various surveys, basketball is one of those games that have reported most number of dental injuries. These have been more in children and teenagers who are more inclined towards this game. 

A mouthguard helps to sustain that beautiful smile of your child and protects him/her from tooth damage, tooth loss, bone fracture, chipped teeth and more.

  1. Mouthguards are cost-effective tools:

Money spent on a dental surgery or a dental treatment is way more than using mouthguard for tooth safety during basketball sessions. There are oodles of varieties available in basketball mouthguards that are economically affordable.

Go for a better quality mouthguard on offer as the online sites keep releasing good offers during basketball fever.

  1. Mouthguards are easy on maintenance:

Various brands offer you basketball mouthguards in various sizes, colours, and types. Once applied, these are very simple to maintain. You can simply clean them by applying toothpaste at the size of a pea on a toothbrush.

Check out the various other tips to maintain mouthguards after every basketball game. 

  1. Mouthguards safeguard the cavities too:

Those sensitive areas of your mouth where wisdom tooth, sensitive nerves, or decayed tooth sits, need to have extra care. Mouthguards act as a superhero for the protection of teeth, tongue, and gums. To share further, these also help in keeping your smile intact and sustaining those cheek lines.

Good and reliable brands recommended by the dental clinics give young athletes the sustainability to smile regardless of winning or losing the game.


If your child is passionate about basketball sport, do not let him compromise or be scared of any sort of injuries. With a good mouthguard you can bring his confidence level up and enjoy more basketball sessions with him.  

Contact your nearest dentist today or dental care centre and ask for an appointment to know more benefits of basketball mouthguard. They will guide you further on its usage and maintenance techniques along with the reasons why these are essential in this sport.


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