The Best Vape Flavours in 2019

How high is the THC Vape Juice

Vaping is becoming more and more popular by the day. With a lot of people using them as a way to cut back on or quit smoking altogether, it’s important that the quality of the vaping is high in order to help users stick at it. The vaping industry deserves a lot of credit; it is continually evolving to suit the needs of everyone out there. There are now so many different devices, and whether it’s e-cigarettes or box mods that you use, there is definitely something out there for everyone. However, a challenge that every vapour faces at some point is still at large- what flavour should you use? There are so many out there that it’s impossible to try them all, so you can’t exactly perform a speed-vaping exercise to decide. However, we believe we’ve come up with a very good list of the best flavours for you to try. Here’s our list of the best vape flavours in 2019.

  • Hannibal Nectar E-Juice: Mixed Tropical Fruit Flavour. Where do we start with our first entry? I must admit I’m a little biased towards this company and their flavours because of the clever nature of their name, but that still doesn’t take anything away from the quality of their vape juice. Packed with tons of lovely fruit flavours, such as peach, melons, and oranges, it’s a real tongue tingler and is bound to have you feeling on top of the world. Finished off with a little hint of coconut, it’s a really nice vape juice and you should definitely consider purchasing it. Go on, give it a try!
  • Stoned Age E-Juice: Fruit Cereal + Ice Cream. A really unique choice of vape juice, this one is bound to have you on the edge of your seat. We all know how strangely pleasant it is to mix up ice cream and fruit in real life, and this flavour of vape offers that same strange and yet beautiful combination. Vanilla ice cream is delightfully mixed with a range of different fruits is really nice, and don’t worry- you can have it at any time of the day!
  • Surf Cake E-Juice- Blueberry Cheesecake. You can probably tell that I like unique flavours, can’t you? This vape juice offers yet another striking flavour which is a delight with every puff. Cheesecake is one of my favourite desserts in real life, so it comes as no surprise that I really like this vape juice. Even if you don’t like cheesecake, you’ll most likely still enjoy this flavour though. It’s fruity and creamy, and you’ll be hard pushed to beat that combination and classic tobacco flavored e-juice.

I Love Donuts Strawberry. Don’t let the poor grammar put you off (which it nearly did for me), as this is one of the funkiest vape flavours out there right now. The name is pretty self-explanatory; you’ll get to experience all the sugary pastry that a donut offers along with the lovely sweet strawberry flavours. This vape juice leaves a really pleasant feeling in the mouth, so you can enjoy it even after you’ve had to come back inside from the smoking area.

Also Read: How to Choose A Unique Vape


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