Seven quick tips about helicopter tours

Seven quick tips about helicopter tours

Of course, any vacation is a time to relax by getting away from the stresses of your daily routine. However, they are also good times to reinvigorate yourself by doing something exciting, extreme, or out of the ordinary. As such, helicopter tours are a perfect activity for anyone wanting to soar high above the landscape and enjoy the thrilling opportunity to view the world from a different perspective. If you want to see more reviews on helicopter tours visit must see reviews and read about them today.

That said, a helicopter ride, no matter how exhilarating, is not a typical activity–not for most people, that is. Because of this, it is important to consider a variety of safety and policy components to ensure you remain safe as you have the thrill of your life.

1. Weight

As with any ride, a helicopter can only accommodate a certain amount of weight per load. If you are able to book a ride by yourself, your weight will not be much of an issue unless you are extremely overweight. If this is the case, do not take the matter of weight limits as an insult. Often, the weight limit is 250 pounds per person because many people often go at once, and the overall load is immense. If you are near the weight limit, you may be required to purchase an extra seat. Loading a helicopter to its limits uses too much fuel and can cause problems in less than perfect weather conditions.

2. Pilot experience

Your pilot should be a certified pilot, and his or her license should be current. The pilot should be able to tell you how many thousands of hours he or she has logged. Additionally, on the day of the ride, whatever the weather, the pilot should be able to tell you how the helicopter will behave. Finally, he or she should know what to do in case of an emergency and how to help the passengers.

3. Weather

It is unwise to fly in anything but sunny weather with few winds. Sometimes, depending on the attraction, it is not possible to be wind free. For instance, Hawaii helicopter rides involve skimming volcanoes. In these types of rides, hot updrafts will push at the helicopter. That said, if windy, rainy weather is within six hours away, postpone your ride for another day. Although six hours might sound like plenty of time, storms can move in fast.

4. Time of day

As with any professional, your pilot is human–all too human, in fact. For instance, in the early morning, he or she will probably be a little tired and might be waiting for the coffee to kick in. Consequently, early rides are not as good as the second or third tours when the pilot will have had time to warm up. Additionally, if you fly right before lunch or right before dinner time, your pilot might be thinking of food rather than safety. Finally, Mondays and Fridays are not as advisable as Tuesdays or Thursdays.

The reason that Mondays and Fridays can be more prone to incidences is because Mondays are the day after a weekend, and a pilot might not be as fresh or ready to go. On Fridays, a pilot might be thinking of getting home to his or her family. Tuesdays and Thursdays involve less stress and less preoccupation.

5. Incident history

Helicopter tour companies have a certain word for crashes. This word is incidence. You should ask how many incidences a tour company has experienced. If it is more than zero, look elsewhere. If you are looking for an untarnished safety record, you should consider

6. Motion sickness

Unlike an airplane that delivers a linear ride, the helicopter’s up and down and sudden right or left motions might leave you nauseous. Because of this, you might need to take some motion-sickness pills prior to take off. Additionally, because of the helicopter’s spherical, all-glass cabin, visibility is greatly increased over that of a plane. As such, you might get more sick or nervous from the sense of being that much closer to the landscape.

Also Read: Reasons to go on a solo trip once in life

7. Noise

If helicopters are fun, they are also loud. Because you might be going on a ride with a group or with a husband or wife, you might want to talk or point out sights. However, for the duration of the flight, communication should take place via simple gestures. Even if you are provided a radio helmet, talking might be difficult to understand over the thrum of the engine and rotors. For the best possible experience, nodding and pointing will serve you better than yelling to be heard.


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