Everything You Need To Know About Furnace Maintenance

Everything You Need To Know About Furnace Maintenance

Furnaces can be vitally important for your home. They can be the main source of your heat for your house. But this can also mean that they are the most expensive aspect of your energy bills. For equipment this important and expensive needs to be well taken care of. If your furnace does not run smoothly then it can cost you hundreds, either in repairs or in the cost of replacing and installing a new one. However, if you really take the time to educated and learn all of the complicated ins and outs of your furnace, then hopefully you will even be able to spot the warning signs before they begin to appear. This can save you time and money as you can either spot or repair the problem yourself before you have to even consider hiring a professional.

What different types of furnace are available to me?

Surprisingly enough, there are actually several different types and models of furnaces available, all of which will require unique care and maintenance. This is why the first step to any kind of furnace repair or maintenance is to actually find out exactly what make and model of furnace that you have currently installed in your home. There are three main models of furnaces. These are the modulating furnaces, two stage furnaces and finally the single stage furnaces. All of these models are great and efficient furnaces, however, naturally some models will be stronger, more powerful and more efficient then some of the other less intricate furnace designs.

Single stage furnaces are the most typical furnaces found in people’s homes, the most basic of furnace models. They are simple to operate as this type of furnace only really has one setting. When you have decided to switch on your furnace it will operate as the maximum flame setting, there is no other setting. It is either on or off. These are usually the most common as they are cheap and simple to use. However, this does mean that they are not the most efficient.

Two stage furnaces, much like their name suggests, have two separate settings when the furnace has been switched on – these compromise of a high level intensity setting as well as a medium intensity setting. These furnaces give you more control over the range of the temperature in your home. These furnaces are naturally more expensive then the single stage furnaces. But they are usually more efficient due to the different levels of heat available.

Finally, the modulating furnace offer a very advanced type of heating technology that can provide even more heat throughout your home. With this kind of furnace, the physical flame within the furnace is able to increase and decrease in scheduled times to help to regulate the temperature throughout your house. This is essentially a more efficient way to meet unique comfort levels in your home. These are the most expensive type of furnace but they will deliver consistent and comfortable levels of heat in your home.

What are the basic components of my furnace?

To speak generally, heating systems are comprised of three main components – if you are experiencing any problems regarding your furnace then it will most likely be due to one of these three main components.

  1. Heat source. This refers to the furnace itself, the flame itself and the technology that heats it.
  2. The heat distribution system. This is how the heat actually is able to move throughout your house. This is usually through vents and ductwork placed throughout the house.
  3. The control system. The control system is how you control the temperature settings throughout your home and it regulates the amount of heat that is released throughout the house. This is typically controlled through a thermostat or control box system.

What should I be checking in my furnace?

There are several things that you should always check with your furnace to make sure that it is all running smoothly and that nothing is in danger of breaking or becoming damaged.

  • Remember to replace the filter. It is best to replace the filter in your furnace every three months or so. This is something that you can easily do on your own and you do not need to hire professionals for. This just ensures that everything is running smoothly and there are no problems.
  • Clean the flame sensing rod. This is actually a common issue as people do not have their flame sensing rods cleaned regularly.
  • Have your blower assembly cleaned regularly. This is the part of your furnace that pressurises and moves the hot air through your air ducts. The pressure could be thrown completely thrown out of calibration by just a small collection of dust particles.


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