Creating Character in Your Home

Home character living room


Have you ever heard that saying, ‘part of the furniture’? It’s where everything your home becomes so mundane and boring, you barely notice it anymore. Every now and then it’s time to shake things up. Trends in home design change all the time and it’s important to keep up with the latest innovations. Not to please society and what fashion tells you, you must have. To please yourself and make sure you don’t miss out on the latest design innovations. So, what’s new in interior design?

Keep things simple

The biggest pet hate of interior designers at the moment is clutter. We all hate it, but sometimes it’s difficult to avoid. Creating character in your home means putting your own stamp on things. However, with every Christmas, birthday and anniversary ornament stuffed throughout the house, it’s hard for a character to shine through. Before you start your new design, it’s a good idea to have a bit of a spring clean and ditch anything you don’t really like.


It goes without saying that chandeliers are statement pieces. They’re well known for creating that wow factor above a dining table but more people are using them in bedroom spaces now. Keeping the colors clean and crisp, with a sparkling chandelier attached to the ceiling can really bring a sense of luxury.

Don’t worry about the paint

It’s a common misconception that you must choose the paint first and match the accessories to it. It’s much easier to come across pieces of artwork, rugs or furniture you like. Once you have a few ideas of the type of style you want to go for, then incorporate the paint colors. Here’s some tips on how to do it.

Stay away from themes

You may absolutely love visiting Spain and seeing the Spanish home interiors and accessories but don’t be tempted to bring it home with you. Imagine living in a Spanish themed home while it’s freezing outside. Doesn’t quite go, does it? One of the best design innovations of this year is blending themes. Choose the things you like from different styles and pair them together. Granted, this takes a bit of creativity but it can work and the result is beautiful.

Remember your focal point

It’s important to have a focal point in each room. For instance, in most living rooms it’s a fire place or mantelpiece. It’s the first thing that draws your attention as you walk into the room, so it’s a good idea to give it some thought. What could you add to the room to enhance the focal point?


Lighting can really bring any design to life. If you’re thinking about adding an extension to your home or dramatically changing your existing rooms, light is your design savior. The more windows, the better. However, if you don’t want to add natural light, spotlights are divine. You can place them inside cupboards, in your ceilings and even your floors.

Putting the perfect design together for your home is always a mixture of creativity, practicality and personal preference. With a few bits of advice, you’ll have it cozy and stylish in no time!


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