Why You Need Easy Piano Songs for Beginners


No matter what your age or musical background, it’s never too late to start learning a new instrument. The piano is a popular choice because it is so versatile and accessible for most people. It’s an excellent option, whether this is your first experience playing music or your next step in expanding your skills. Either way, finding easy piano songs for beginners is an important step in building your collection and your musical skill set.

Tips for Choosing the Right Pieces

When it comes to picking piano sheet music, there is an almost overwhelming number of options to choose from. These guidelines can help you narrow down the search and create a repertoire of real winners.

Start with Something You Love

You don’t have to wait until you’re a skilled, experienced musician to play your favorite melody. Most popular songs have arrangements that are targeted towards those who are new to the instrument, so anyone can learn and perform them. Whether it’s a pop song, a musical theater piece, or a theme from your favorite movie, TV show, or video game, there’s a good chance you’ll find easy piano songs for beginners that you already love.

Learning to play a new instrument can be challenging and it takes dedication. It’s normal to become frustrated when you’re new at playing the piano. Choosing pieces that you’re excited to learn and master can help you stay dedicated and put in the time needed to develop your skills.

Sample from a Variety of Genres and Styles

While your favorite style is a good place to start when selecting beginning piano songs, it’s also important that you branch out. Trying something new helps keep things fresh and can also open your world up. You never know what style might become your new passion. The options are practically limitless, but some of the most popular choices include:

  • Classical
  • Religious
  • Jazz
  • Show Tunes
  • Contemporary
  • Pop/Rock
  • Latin

One of the beautiful things about playing an instrument is how it can broaden your perspective of the world. Choosing a wide variety of musical styles from numerous backgrounds can help encourage this.

Stick to Easy Piano at First

Like anything else in life, most people want to skip the introductory steps and move straight to the good stuff. While it is good to push yourself and gradually increase the level of difficulty, moving beyond your skill level too soon can be frustrating and even detrimental to your progress. When you’re new to the instrument, stick to easy piano songs for beginners, even if it’s tempting to opt for a more difficult arrangement.

To ensure you’re in the right category, choose your sheet music from a trusted and reputable source. These companies clearly categorize their music so you can easily search for pieces that fit your skill level. Others even offer transposition options, so you can learn it in a simpler key that’s easier for you to play.

Tips for Developing Your Piano Skills

Playing the piano takes dedication and time. If you want to progress faster and prevent stagnation or loss of ability, these tips can help.

Start With a Realistic Practice Schedule

Ideally, you should aim to play your instrument every single day. A minimum of 30 minutes daily is a good starting point, but may not be realistic for everyone. It can be helpful to set aside the same time every day to make practice a habit. However, playing easy piano songs for beginners for just a few minutes is still better than nothing. While you should aim for a solid practice session every time, do what you can to sit down at the piano every day.

Set Up a Good Practice Space

Playing an instrument requires focus and you need to set yourself up for success to do that. Place your piano or keyboard in a place in your home that allows you to practice privately when you need to. Purchase a bench or stool that suits your height so you can sit comfortably and prevent muscle tension and pain. If necessary, purchase a lamp so you have adequate lighting to see the keys and read your music.

Find Routine Performance Opportunities

If you’re taking lessons, there’s a good chance your instructor will handle this step for you by scheduling periodic performance recitals. These events are important for musicians and should not be skipped. However, if you’re teaching yourself by using books or online tutorial programs, take the time to schedule some type of performance opportunity every few months.

You can play easy piano songs for beginners for your friends and family in your own home. You can also volunteer to perform at your church, a local hospital, or a nearby nursing home. Whatever venue you choose, make it a routine habit to encourage your skill development while helping you learn how to handle performance distractions and nerves.

If you’re new to piano, a good selection of easy-to-play pieces is a must. Choose what you love, challenge yourself with something new, and make practice and performance a priority for the best results.


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