What Are Steps To Assist Your TPD Lawyer With Your Disability Claim


A total and permanent disability can be a life-altering circumstance, particularly if it affects your livelihood, the ability to provide financial support for yourself or a family. In this case, a TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) insurance plan or “superannuation” has the potential to offer assistance.

When you find you’ve become incapable of performing normal job functions due to your disability, it’s wise to contact a TPD claims specialist or speak with a lawyer specializing in TPD law. The attorney can handle filing a claim on your behalf.

The legal process seeks financial coverage for your illness or injury, rendering you disabled so that you can live securely. The  is long and complex, often challenging for the average person who is ill-prepared and lacks sufficient knowledge to undertake the challenge.

Forclaims process these reasons, it’s essential to seek the services of an attorney versed in the laws which can guide you through each step seamlessly. What are the steps you can take to be a prepared client? Let’s look at things you can do to help your claims process.

What Strides To Take To Help A TPD Lawyer Successfully Handle A TPD Claim

A Total and Permanent Disability claim is a lengthy and complex endeavor for the average person to attempt without assistance from legal counsel. An attorney specializing in these claims has the expertise to navigate the system step by step, satisfying the agencies and taking much of the stress from you.

Most people have superannuation or a TPD insurance plan that provides for these situations. That’s something you need to find out upfront, learning the fundamentals of the policy to assist the lawyer from the beginning.

This will lead to a greater opportunity for success. Let’s look at a few steps to help with filing a TPD claim.

●      The TPD insurance plan or superannuation needs to be thoroughly understood

Before filing a claim or reaching out to an attorney, it’s wise to consider your insurance policy and try to understand the fundamentals. In most cases, a key reason for denial is that the individual has minimal understanding of their policy regarding its overall “definition, the criteria, and the allowances.”

Often when a claimant takes the initiative in learning the ins and outs of the policy variations, there is a greater chance of success with the claim. Some policies mandate the claimant to participate in continuing rehabilitation and treatment before they will decide on qualification.

Some plans exclude pre-existing medical conditions meaning you could lose based on a condition you had before agreeing to the policy. The many potential variations make it critical to understand your policy to ensure a favorable result for your case. Click for details on TPD claims.

Your attorney will review the policy to help you understand what you’re entitled to and what requirements must be met.

●      Take steps to ensure you have a qualified claim

TPD claims are only successful if you meet the criteria. That means finding out what the qualifications are in order to see if you’re eligible. Some factors that usually play into claim criteria include:

  1. There should be continuing medical care based on the illness or injury.
  2. Work experience should be one year or more in duration.
  3. There’s little likelihood that you’ll return to work in an occupation, particularly your chosen field.
  4. Your disability is due to an illness or injury.

A TPD attorney is aware of the criteria that must be met in a claim and will ensure that you meet the qualifications before a claim is filed.

The lawyer will review the policy to ensure you follow the guidelines and have the opportunity to come out successful. Learn factors for a successful TPD claim

●      Evidence supporting your claim needs to accompany the application

When you submit an application for a TPD claim, the specialist will only render it successful if supporting evidence accompanies the claim. The application will likely be denied if the form is incomplete or the documentation is insufficient or inaccurate.

The ideal scenario is to prepare all the paperwork, provide the evidence and allow your attorney the opportunity to review the documents for thoroughness and reliability. You must include every detail relevant to your disability, your TPD policy or superannuation, and any information pertinent to the circumstances.

The insurance carrier can draw the process out if the claim needs to be clarified, jeopardizing your financial stability. The evidence that can help speed up the process includes employment documentation, medical reports, tax documents, and on.

Your lawyer will advise the specific papers to include to satisfy the claims specialist to avoid potential delays.

Final Thought

Navigating a TPD claim can be lengthy and complex, with the potential for a denial for anyone with minimal knowledge of the plan’s definition, criteria, and allowances.

When you involve an attorney specializing in these cases, the process can be much smoother with the professional guiding you through each step. There’s the potential to eventually see a successful outcome following your counsel’s lead.


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