Axolotls as Pets: What You Need to Know Before You Get One


If you’re looking for a unique and fascinating pet, axolotls might just be the perfect choice for you. There are some important things you should know before taking the plunge. Axolotls are becoming increasingly popular as pets due to their unique appearance and ease of care. One aspect that makes them stand out from the rest of aquatic life is the axolotl’s lifespan.

They are a fascinating type of creature that can make excellent companions, but they require a distinctive set of care prerequisites that can vary greatly from those of other pets. In this composition, we will delve into everything you need to understand regarding axolotls as domesticated animals, from their fundamental needs for care to their unique and distinctive conduct and characteristics.

What is an Axolotl?

Axolotls are a type of salamander native to Mexico and are sometimes referred to as Mexican walking fish because they can regenerate removed limbs and return function to them. Axolotls have a distinct appearance, with a broad head and external gills. They are available in a wide range of colors, including black, grey, and white. Axolotls are unusual pets, and their distinctive appearance and interesting behavior make them a popular choice among pet owners.

Axolotls are indigenous to the lake complexes of Xochimilco and Chalco in Mexico, and they are frequently spotted in shallow, turbid waters, particularly around the lakes’ perimeters. Being aquatic creatures, axolotls cannot endure prolonged exposure to land. These creatures, in their natural habitat, subsist on a diet of small fish, insects, and other minute aquatic organisms.

Pros and Cons of Owning Axolotl as a Pet

Axolotls are a fascinating species of salamander that have become increasingly popular as pets. While they may be cute and unique, owning an axolotl comes with both pros and cons. Here are a few things to consider before bringing one home:


1. Unique Appearance

Axolotls possess a unique appearance that distinguishes them from any other type of pet that one may own. These creatures present a range of colors and showcase a singular shape and behavior that set them apart from other animals.

2. Low-Maintenance

Axolotls are pets that demand low maintenance. They do not necessitate significant attention and are comparatively simple to tend to.

3. Long Lifespan

Axolotls have the potential to thrive in captivity for up to 15 years, exceeding the lifespan of various other aquatic pets.


Temperature and Water Quality Requirements

Axolotls can only survive in a certain temperature range and under specific water quality conditions. It can be difficult to maintain those conditions consistently.

Limited Interaction

Axolotls are not very social and don’t engage much with others. Their antics are entertaining to watch, but they are not pets that you can play with or cuddle with.

Legal Restrictions in Some Areas

Axolotls are illegal to own in some areas, so it is important to check your local laws before getting one.

Setting up an Axolotl Habitat

Setting up an axolotl habitat requires careful consideration of several factors, including tank size and type, water quality, temperature and lighting, and substrate and decor.

Tank Size and Type

Axolotls require a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size, and larger is better. They need plenty of space to move around, and a larger tank will help to maintain stable water conditions. The tank should be made of glass or acrylic and have a tight-fitting lid to prevent escape.

Water quality

Axolotls possess a highly sensitive disposition towards the quality of their aquatic habitat. To ensure the optimal living conditions for these creatures, it is of paramount importance to maintain a consistently high standard of hygiene within their aquarium. To achieve this, it is essential to procure a superior water filtration mechanism that can effectively eradicate all impurities and pollutants from the water. Additionally, it is imperative to carry out periodic replacements of the water to prevent the accumulation of harmful toxins that could lead to the demise of these precious amphibians. Failure to adhere to these crucial steps could spell doom for these delicate creatures, and any owner who genuinely cares about their pets would do well to take note of these essential instructions.

To ensure the health of axolotls, it is important to regularly monitor the pH, temperature, and ammonia levels of their water. The ideal pH range for axolotls is between 6.5 and 8.

Temperature and lighting

Axolotls, which are aquatic creatures, thrive in cold waters and necessitate the maintenance of an unvarying temperature range between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Achieving this requires a high-grade aquarium heater. It is crucial to ensure temperature consistency, as any irregularities can lead to afflictions and psychological tension in these creatures.

Axolotls also require a regular day/night cycle, which can be achieved using a timer to control the lighting in their tank. A 12-hour cycle of light and darkness is recommended.

Substrate and decor

The substrate you use in an axolotl tank should be soft and non-abrasive to prevent any injury to their sensitive skin. Sand, fine gravel, or bare bottoms are recommended. You should also add some decorations, such as plants, rocks, and caves, to give the axolotls a place to hide and explore. However, avoid using anything with sharp edges or rough surfaces, as they can injure your axolotl.

Water changes and tank maintenance

As mentioned earlier, axolotls are sensitive to water quality, so regular water changes are crucial. You should aim to change 10–20% of the water in their tank every week. In addition to water changes, you will also need to perform regular tank maintenance such as cleaning the tank, removing any uneaten food, and checking the filter system.

Feeding and Care

Axolotls are carnivorous and need a diet high in protein. The most common food for axolotls is earthworms, which can be fed as the main part of their diet. You can also feed them other foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small pieces of fish. It is recommended to feed your axolotl small meals several times a day rather than one large meal to prevent overfeeding.

Conclusion: Ready for an Axolotl?

Axolotls make great pets for those who are prepared and willing to put in the effort for their care. They require a tank with the correct temperature, water conditions, and environment that need to be maintained carefully. Axolotls also require specific diets and supplements, which can be found online or at pet stores. It’s important to do extensive research before getting an axolotl to ensure you are prepared for the responsibility of caring for them.


As long as owners maintain a regular cleaning schedule, monitor their pet’s health, and ensure that their dietary needs are met, axolotls can make wonderful companions for many years.


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